
2.2.0 • Public • Published

Backbone.Marionette animated region based on Velocity.js

Animared region for Backbone.Marionette views based on Velocity.js animation library.

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Backbone.Marionette animated region is convinient animated plugin based on Velocity.js. It provides you to create beautiful animation effects for your Marionette views.

Note: for Backbone.Marionette 2.x.x use version 1.2.0 of the Marionette animated region.

How to install:

npm install marionette-animated-region

First include Marionette and it dependencies and velocity.js lib.


<script src="backbone.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="backbone.marionette.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="velocity.js"></script>
<script src="velocity.ui.js"></script>
<script src="marionette-animated-region.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Common JS:

var Marionette = require('backbone.marionette');
var AnimatedRegion = require('marionette-animated-region');

How to use:

The main goodies that Backbone.Marionette animated region uses only region properties and can work as simple Marionette region if you do not define animation. So it's flexible, fast and maximum safety.

var LayoutView = Marionette.View.extend({
  regions: {
    animatedRegion: {
      selector: '#region_selector',
      regionClass: AnimatedRegion,
      animation: {
        showAnimation: [...],
        hideAnimation: [...]

To use animation you must define animation object. It can includes two arrays of effects, you can define only showAnimation or hideAnimation or both. Each element of the array should be Velocity.js animation object.

Basic example:

var LayoutView = Marionette.View.extend({
  regions: {
    example: {
      selector: '#region_selector',
      regionClass: AnimatedRegion,
      animation: {
        showAnimation: [
            properties: 'transition.slideDownBigIn',
            options: { stagger: 300 }
        hideAnimation: [
            properties: 'transition.slideUpBigOut',
            options: { stagger: 300 }
  onRender: function() {
    // this view will render with animation
    var example = this.getRegion('example'); Marionette.ItemView());
    // and after 2 second remove with animation
    _.delay(_.bind(function() { example.empty(); }, this), 2000);
new LayoutView({ el: $('#layout_view') }).render();

It's possible to determine set of effects, like:

showAnimation: [
    properties: 'transition.slideRightBigIn',
    options: { stagger: 500 }
    properties: {
      rotateZ: '180deg'
    properties: {
      rotateZ: '90deg'

Events and Callback methods:

Backbone.Marionette animated region includes show and destroy callbacks. In some situations you may need to perform some action only after the animation will take place. So with Backbone.Radio you can provide specific global events region:shown and region:removed in region channel namespace for your Marionette instances.

var channel ='region');
initialize: function() {
  channel.on('region:shown', function(region) {
    // region variable contains region which has beed rendered,
    // you can manipulate it
    if ( {
      console.log( + ' has been rendered');
  channel.on('region:removed', function(region) {

Thanks to:

Working examples you can find here

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npm i marionette-animated-region

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  • maratfakhreev