
0.1.2 • Public • Published


Potential prototype of v2.

This is a backwards compatible prototype that builds on inertia of v1 community and brings them into the future with us.

It enables a highly configurable & composable pieces and multi-cloud & third party resource for all existing serverless projects & more.

See Examples

Backing Product Philosophy

  • Domain Expertise is paramount - We must eat, sleep, breathe serverless.
  • Next level user experience - UX/DX is baked into every nut & bolt. Remove all points of friction in our users lives.
  • We must be users of our product - Dogfooding is everything, otherwise it’s all guess work
  • Invent and Simplify - We must trust our instincts and move fast
  • Measure everything - Learn from mistakes but not be afraid to make them
  • Growth state of mind - Bake in growth mechanisms (activation/retention/analytics) throughout product
  • Iterate and improve - Slow time to market = death
  • Mantra - Have fun & build awesome. We create the future.

Table of Contents

How to use examples

# Clone down repo 
git clone
# in root 
npm install
# cd into an example folder 
cd examples/basic
# run config command 
node ../../index.js config
# run deploy command 
node ../../index.js deploy
# or any other v1 command 
node ../../index.js info/remove etc

Additionally if you just want the end user experience use one of the 2 demo repos:

Whats New?

Standardized Service Config

Service config is now a first class citizen in serverless. Developers can now specify all the configuration requirements of a given service.

The config key in serverless.yml enables:

  • Easier service re-use
  • Streamlined setup via proto config
  • Composition of services
  • Future usage in GUI tools
# Service configuration. Values needed for service to work
    displayName: "Send grid API Key"
    type: string
    required: true
    default: 'your-api-key'

Config types are based heavily on the RAML type system

Config values are written out to a .serverless.config.json file

  "stageName": {
    "SECRET_API_KEY": "xxxx"
  "dev": {
    "SECRET_API_KEY": "yyyy"

See example in larger config example.

Multi-cloud & third party resource support

Serverless v1 resources were limited by the choice of the service provider. For example if the provider was set at aws, resources was limited to a single CloudFormation Stack.

This is no longer the case!

We are expanding the functionality of resources to handle multiple resources.

See example(s) in github webhook examples.

# Multi cloud / third party resource defintion examples
  # provision github webhook
    type: Github:Webhook
      apiToken: ${config.GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN}
      repository: ${config.GITHUB_REPO}
  # provision cloud formation
    type: AWS:CloudFormation
        Type: 'AWS::DynamoDB::Table'
          TableName: 'overbearing-ops'
            - AttributeName: id
              AttributeType: S
            - AttributeName: id
              KeyType: HASH
            ReadCapacityUnits: 1
            WriteCapacityUnits: 1
  # provision terraform modules
    type: 'Hashicorp:terraform'
        description: the AMI to use
          ami: "${var.ami}"
          count: 2
          source_dest_check: false
            user: root

A working example that provisions GH webhoojs can be seen and deployed from here

Composable Services

(Needs real world validation)

See nested composed example in examples.

app: my-real-application # or `service` key
services: # or `components` or under `resources` key
    type: ./user-service
    version: 0.0.1
      USER_TABLE_NAME: my-app-table-name
    type: ./email-service
    version: 0.0.1
      SENDGRID_API_KEY: 12311dasdwwqdaww
    type: ./sms-service
    version: 0.0.1
      TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID: 121312331
      TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN: 9827271711
      TWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER: 1-900-324-1312
    type: ./service-with-db
    version: 0.0.1

Service Manifest

It's common practice to require stack outputs like api URLs, ARNs, and other custom values after a service is deployed.

After the deployment of a service, the service creates a manifest.json file for easy consumption.

This file can be referenced by front end applications or piped into service discovery tools.

Example of a manifest file with stage specific values. (final shape of manifest output TBD)

  "dev": {
    "urls": {
      "base": "",
      "byPath": {
        "handle-entry": {
          "url": "",
          "method": ["POST"],
      "byFunction": {
        "handleFormEntry": {
          "url": "",
          "method": ["POST"],
    "functions": {
      "handleFormEntry": {
        "name": "site-form-service-prod-handleFormEntry",
        "arn": "xyxyxyxyx"
    "resources": {
      "MyCloudformationStack": {
        "myDynamoTable": {
          "TableName": "xyz-lol"
      "GitHubWebhook": {
        "repository": "davidwells/components"
  "prod": {
    ... prod stage resources

Configurable plugins

(Note: not implemented yet)

In serverless v1, plugins often needed to specify their configuration in the custom block of serverless.yml

# Before
  valueNeededForPlugin: 'xyz'
  - my-serverless-plugin

By turning the plugins array into a keyed object, configuration can live directly on the plugin declaration like so:

    valueNeededForPlugin: 'xyz'
    config: ./webpack.js

Custom Scripts

Extending functionality can now easily be accomplished inline in serverless.yml without needing to author a custom plugin.

See basic example in examples.

  beforeDeploy: node ./tests.js
  deploy: node ./sms-boss.js
  afterDeploy: "npm run integration"

Multi region support

(Note: not implemented yet)

In serverless v1, you are constrained to a single region per deployment, but by altering the region key to accept an array, we can deploy to multiple regions simultaneously

# Service provider
  name: aws
  runtime: nodejs6.10
    - us-west-1
    - us-east-2

Other Feature Ideas/Requests

IAM role support on function level

"Would be cool if you could define iamRoleStatements at the function level."

Feedback / Feature Requests

After completing the steps, please fill out the quick 3 question survey!

Leave your feedback ❤️

If you would like to see additional features added don't hesitate to request them!


Is this backwards compatible with version 1 of the framework?


Does it work with serverless variables?


Do additional CloudFormation resources work?


Can I run this on-prem?


How many resources can I leverage today?

254 (all of cloudformation + github webhook resource (sls IP)). There is no limit on the amount of resources we (or the community could add)


Thanks to Phillip Muens, Eslam λ Hefnawy, and serverless community for their hard work on v1 and Austen for starting it all with v0.




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  • davidwells