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Shrinker shrinks data. There might be a lot of reasons to do this, but the one shrinker was designed for is shrinking randomly-generated test data.


$ npm install [--save-dev] shrinker



shrinks returns an iterator that yields shrunken versions of data.

for (var smaller of shrinks([2, 4]) {

This would print:

[ 2 ]
[ 4 ]
[ 0, 4 ]
[ 1, 4 ]
[ 2, 0 ]
[ 2, 2 ]
[ 2, 3 ]

If shrinks does not know how to shrink the data you give it, it will return an iterator that yields nothing. You can teach shrinker about new types of data to shrink using addRule.

shrink(data, predicate, limit=Infinity) -> { iterations, data }

shrink returns the smallest data based on data and the number of iterations required to shrink it for which predicate returns true. By default it will shrink the data as many times as it needs to, but you can limit the number of iterations by passing a finite value for limit. If the given data cannot be shrunk, the result will have iterations of 0.

 * Shrink 20 such that the result is greater than 5.
 * 1a. tries 0, fails
 * 1b. tries 10, passes
 * 2a. tries 0, fails
 * 2b. tries 5, fails
 * 2c. tries 8, passes
 * 3a. tries 0, fails
 * 3b. tries 4, fails
 * 3c. tries 6, passes
 * 4a. tries 0, fails
 * 4b. tries 3, fails
 * 4c. tries 5, fails
 * 4th iteration failed, so use result of 3rd iteration:
 *   { iterations: 3, data: 6 }
shrink(20, n => n > 5);

Here's an example of using shrink to find the smallest representable floating point number in JavaScript:

shrink(0.1, n => n > 0);
// { iterations: 1070, data: 5e-324 }

addRule(test, generator)

Registers a generator for data for which test returns true. Use this to add shrinking support for your own data types.


This is the class used to create different shrinking configurations (i.e. sets of rules). There is a default shrinker which the other export functions - shrinks, shrink, and addRule - delegate to. By default instances of Shrinker have no shrinking rules, but you can call addDefaultRules to add all the built-in rules you have with the default shrinker.

var shrinker = new Shrinker();
shrinker.shrink(20, n => n > 5);


  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Create a branch for your feature/bug fix.
  3. Create as many commits as makes sense for your change, ignoring changes to lib/index.es5.js.
  4. Add tests for all your changes.
  5. Push your changes to your remote and open a pull request.


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