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1.0.0 • Public • Published

Vue Component Media Queries


MatchMedia component library for Vue.

  • 🍳 Tiny. Less than 1kb gzipped total size.
  • 🌳 Tree-shakeable. Import only the necessary components right where you need them.
  • 💡 Server Rendered. No hydration errors, thoroughly tested with Nuxt.js, supports predictive rendering.
  • 💊 Versatile. Works both on a component level (inside <template>) or as an injected property (inside <script>).

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Match media queries right in your components:

<!-- App.vue -->
  <MediaQueryProvider :queries="{ mobile: '(max-width: 680px)' }">
    <AppLayout />
<!-- AppLayout.vue -->
  <MatchMedia v-slot="{ mobile }">
    <MobileLayout  v-if="mobile" />
    <DesktopLayout v-else />

Before you start

There are two ways how you can use Media Queries on Web: CSS and JS runtime. In most cases you'll be fine with just CSS, so before going any further please verify that CSS is insufficient for your case. For example, you don't need this library if you need to toggle element visibility for non-complex elements. You're better off using just CSS for that:

<div class="show-on-desktop">You're on mobile</div>
<div class="show-on-mobile">You're on desktop</div>
@media (min-width: 761px) {
  .show-on-mobile { display: none !important; }
@media (max-width: 760px) {
  .show-on-desktop { display: none !important; }

But if you encounter a significant performance degradation from rendering everything in a single pass or have some logic bound to media queries you might want to use window.matchMedia. This library provides window.matchMedia integration for Vue.

Table of contents

Getting started



  1. Install library as a dependency: npm i vue-component-media-queries

  2. Import components via named exports where necessary:

    import { MediaQueryProvider, MatchMedia } from 'vue-component-media-queries'


If you don't have an option to use NPM you can use a CDN package, it will register a global VueComponentMediaQueries variable with appropriate exports. The CDN method is not recommended for production usage. Prefer using NPM method whenever possible.

  1. Import library after Vue:

    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
  2. Get components from the global VueComponentMediaQueries object:

    const { MatchMedia, MediaQueryProvider } = VueComponentMediaQueries;
    // ...


Component-based (global matching)

The primary way to use this library is to match media queries in a root wrapping component (this is your App.vue or Layout.vue), then get the results in a child component (could be on any level in the rendering tree).

In order to do this there are two components: <MediaQueryProvider> and <MatchMedia>.

  1. <MediaQueryProvider> does the actual matching and provides values down the render tree. You should put this component in your App.vue or Layout.vue.
  2. <MatchMedia> retrieves these values from the <MediaQueryProvider> and exposes them to rendering context through scoped slots. You should put this component where you have to actually use these media queries.

Here's a basic setup for this method:

  1. Wrap your app in a <MediaQueryProvider> and pass queries object to it.

      <MediaQueryProvider :queries="$options.queries">
        <AppLayout />
      import { MediaQueryProvider } from "vue-component-media-queries";
      import AppLayout from "./AppLayout.vue";
      const queries = {
        mobile: '(max-width: 760px)'
      export default {
        name: 'App',
        components: {
  2. In any part of your app that's within the <MediaQueryProvider> use <MatchMedia> component to retrieve the results of media queries.

      <MatchMedia v-slot="{ mobile }">
        <MobileLayout  v-if="mobile" />
        <DesktopLayout v-else />
      import { MatchMedia } from "vue-component-media-queries";
      import MobileLayout from "./MobileLayout.vue";
      import DesktopLayout from "./DesktopLayout.vue";
      export default {
        name: 'AppLayout',
        components: {

<MatchMedia v-slot="{ mobile }"> in the example above refers to the mobile: '(max-width: 760px)' media query result taken from the <MediaQueryProvider>. This result is reactive – when you resize the page it will update accordingly.

Component-based (single query matching)

You can also use <MatchMedia> without <MediaQueryProvider>. In that case you'll have to pass a query directly to <MatchMedia> instead and get the result from a matches slot prop.

  <MatchMedia query="(max-width: 760px)" v-slot="{ matches }">
    <MobileLayout  v-if="matches" />
    <DesktopLayout v-else />
  import { MatchMedia } from "vue-component-media-queries";
  import MobileLayout from "./MobileLayout.vue";
  import DesktopLayout from "./DesktopLayout.vue";
  export default {
    name: 'AppLayout',
    components: {

This method should be used for one-off media queries that are not referenced anywhere else in your app and would bloat your queries object otherwise.


Lastly, it's possible to have just <MediaQueryProvider> and no <MatchMedia> components. Provide\Inject pattern can be used to get media queries results in your methods, computeds or lifecycle hooks.

To get the provided media queries results you'll need to:

  1. Repeat the first step setting up <MediaQueryProvider> at the start of this section

  2. Inject mediaQueries in your component:

      <div v-text="title" />
      export default {
        name: 'ResponsiveComponent',
        inject: ['mediaQueries'],
        computed: {
          title() {
            return ? `You're on a mobile layout` : `You're on a desktop layout`;





Type: { [name]: string }

Required: yes

queries is an object where:

  • key is a media query name that would be then used in <MatchMedia> scoped slot or in mediaQueries injection.
  • value is a media query expression. (How to use Media Queries)
const queries = {
  mobile: '(max-width: 760px)',
  tablet: '(max-width: 1024px)',
  desktop: '(min-width: 1024px)',
  landscape: '(orientation: landscape)'

queries are best passed to <MediaQueryProvider> via the $options object because $options contents are static and so should be your media queries object.

  <MediaQueryProvider :queries="$options.queries">
    <AppLayout />
import { MediaQueryProvider } from 'vue-component-media-queries';
import AppLayout from './AppLayout.vue';
const queries = {
  mobile: '(max-width: 760px)',
  tablet: '(max-width: 1024px)',
  desktop: '(min-width: 1024px)',
  landscape: '(orientation: landscape)'
export default {
  name: 'App',
  components: {
  queries, // queries can now be used as part of an $options object

Type: string or string[]

A key or a list of queries keys that should return true when window.matchMedia is unavailable (node.js\nuxt.js for example).

<MediaQueryProvider :queries="{ mobile: '(max-width: 760px)' }" fallback="mobile">
  <MatchMedia v-slot="{ mobile }">
    {{ mobile }} <!-- will be true on server, will automatically update on client -->

Multiple fallbacks:

  :queries="{ mobile: '(max-width: 760px)', landscape: 'orientation: landscape' }"
  :fallback="['mobile', 'landscape']"

Type: boolean

This prop switches between eager and immediate mode for matching.

  • An immediate mode sets all the queries to match before your components render. It ensures that components using media queries won't have to re-render after a first render due to data mismatch (all media queries return false before matching, except those listed in fallback prop).
  • An eager mode allows for components to render with fallback values first (passed to fallback prop) to avoid hydration errors.
  :queries="{ mobile: '(max-width: 760px)', landscape: 'orientation: landscape' }"
  :fallback="['mobile', 'landscape']"

Set this prop to true if you have a custom server side rendering. Nuxt.js users will have this set to true by default.


Type: string

Default: span

A wrapping tag that is used when a component has more than one child.

  <FirstChild />
  <SecondChild />



Type: MediaQueryListEvent


  • matches – boolean. Represents media query result.
  • media — string. Media query.
  • Rest of EventTarget interface.

An even fired when a media query name result changes. name is a key of queries object passed to <MediaQueryProvider>.

    <AppLayout />
import { MediaQueryProvider } from 'vue-component-media-queries';
import AppLayout from './AppLayout.vue';
const queries = {
  mobile: '(max-width: 760px)'
export default {
  name: 'App',
  components: {
  methods: {
    onMobileChange(event) {
      const { matches, media, } = event;
      // some logic




Type: string, a media query.

Required: yes, when is not a descendant of <MediaQueryProvider>.

A media query that needs to be matched in place. See usage section for an example.


Type: string

Sets matches value to true when used outside of browser context (same as for <MediaQueryProvider>).

<MatchMedia query="(max-width: 760px)" :fallback="isServer" v-slot="{ matches }">
  {{ matches }} <!-- will be `true` on server -->

Type: boolean

Same as for <MediaQueryProvider>.


Type: string

Default: span

A wrapping tag that is used when a component has more than one child.

<MatchMedia v-slot="{ mobile }">
  <FirstChild v-if="mobile" />
  <SecondChild />

Scoped Slots

default slot

Slot props: { [name]: boolean } or { matches: boolean }

Returns a record of media queries results from the <MediaQueryProvider>.

<MatchMedia v-slot="{ mobile }">
{{ mobile }} <!-- a result of `mobile` media query from <MediaQueryProvider> -->

Or returns a matches slot prop if you pass a query prop.

<MatchMedia query="(max-width: 760px)" v-slot="{ matches }">
{{ matches }} <!-- doesn't need <MediaQueryProvider> -->



Type: MediaQueryListEvent


  • matches – boolean. Represents media query result.
  • media — string. Media query.
  • Rest of EventTarget interface.

Triggers when a result from passed media query prop changes.

<MatchMedia query="(max-width: 760px)" @change="onMedia" />

mediaQueries injection

Type: { [name]: boolean }

A record with the results of <MediaQueryProvider>. See Provide\Inject section for an example.


Predictive rendering

You can use user agent detection (also called browser sniffing) to make a guess which media queries should return true. This is useful when you want to avoid layout shifts and unnecessary re-renders after a hydration.

To do so, we'll have to parse user agent on server side, set fallback values for <MediaQueryProvider> and pass them back to the client.

Here's an example of using ua-parser-js to make a guess which device is sending a request in a default Nuxt.js layout:

  <MediaQueryProvider :queries="$options.queries" :fallback="fallback">
    <Nuxt />
  import { MediaQueryProvider } from 'vue-component-media-queries';
  export default {
    name: 'DefaultLayout',
    queries: {
      mobile: '(max-width: 760px)'
    components: {
    async fetch() {
      if (this.$nuxt.context.req) {
        // ua-parser-js is dynamically imported to avoid including it in the client bundle
        const { default: uaparser } = await import('ua-parser-js');
        const { device } = uaparser(this.$nuxt.context.req.headers['user-agent']);
        if (device.type === 'mobile') {
          this.fallback = 'mobile';
    data() {
      return { fallback: null };

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