
Ani Ravi

  • A simple way to get an install command from all your dependencies

    published 1.0.2 4 years ago
  • A small Javascript wrapper for talking to the Janus WebRTC signaling API. Forked from minijanus.js to add TS support and additional functionality.

    published 0.6.4 4 years ago
  • Sidetrack internal postgres database migration tool

    published 0.0.12 a month ago
  • This allows you to convert a Prisma client to a Sidetrack database client that can be easily passed into Sidetrack options. It's useful when you want to run Sidetrack's queries using your own DB client, or if you want to make sure your jobs are inserted i

    published 0.0.18 a month ago
  • TypeScript-first job processing library, backed by Postgres.

    published 0.0.18 a month ago