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2.7.1 • Public • Published


Simple API to create disposable test fixtures on disk.

Tiny (560 B gzipped) and no dependencies!


import fs from 'node:fs/promises'
import { createFixture } from 'fs-fixture'

const fixture = await createFixture({
    'dir-a': {
        'file-b': 'hello world'

const content = await fs.readFile(fixture.getPath('dir-a/file-b'))

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Pass in an object representing the file structure:

import { createFixture } from 'fs-fixture'

const fixture = await createFixture({
    // Nested directory syntax
    'dir-a': {
        'file-a.txt': 'hello world',
        'dir-b': {
            'file-b.txt': ({ fixturePath }) => `Fixture path: ${fixturePath}`,
            'symlink-c': ({ symlink }) => symlink('../file-a.txt')

    // Alternatively, use the directory path syntax - Same as above
    'dir-a/dir-b/file-b.txt': 'goodbye world'

// Interact with the fixture

// Cleanup fixture
await fixture.rm()

Template path input

Pass in a path to a test fixture template directory to make a copy of it.

// Pass in a path to a fixture template path, and it will make a copy of it
const fixture = await createFixture('./fixtures/template-a')

/* Your test code here... */

// Cleanup fixture
await fixture.rm()

using keyword (Explicit Resource Management)

TypeScript 5.2 supports the Explicit Resource Management feature, which allows you to instantiate the fixture via using. When the fixture is declared this way, it gets automatically cleaned up when exiting the scope.

await using fixture = await createFixture({ file: 'hello' })

// No need to run fixture.rm()


createFixture(source, options)

An async function that creates a fixture from the source you pass in, and returns a FsFixture instance.


Type: string | FileTree

Path to a template fixture path, or a FileTree object that represents the fixture content.



Type: string

Default: os.tmpdir()

The directory where the fixture will be created.


Type: (source: string, destination: string) => boolean | Promise<boolean>

Function to filter files to copy when using a template path. Return true to copy the item, false to ignore it.



type FileTree = {
    [path: string]: string | FileTree | ((api: Api) => string)

type Api = {
    // Fixture root path
    fixturePath: string

    // Current file path
    filePath: string

    // Get path from the root of the fixture
    getPath: (...subpaths: string[]) => string

    // Create a symlink
    symlink: (target: string) => Symlink


class FsFixture {
    Path to the fixture directory.
    readonly path: string

    Create a Fixture instance from a path. Does not create the fixture directory.
    constructor(fixturePath: string)

    Get the full path to a subpath in the fixture directory.
    getPath(...subpaths: string[]): string

    Check if the fixture exists. Pass in a subpath to check if it exists.
    exists(subpath?: string): Promise<boolean>

    Delete the fixture directory. Pass in a subpath to delete it.
    rm(subpath?: string): Promise<void>

    Copy a path into the fixture directory.
    cp(sourcePath: string, destinationSubpath?: string): Promise<void>

    Create a file in the fixture directory.
    writeFile(filePath: string, content: string): Promise<void>

    Create a JSON file in the fixture directory.
    writeJson(filePath: string, json: unknown): Promise<void>

    Read a file from the fixture directory.
    readFile(filePath: string, encoding?: BufferEncoding): Promise<string | Buffer>


Lightweight testing library for Node.js

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  • hirokiosame