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A simple and lightweight HTTP request library by TypeScript for browsers. The library prefers the window.fetch API and uses XMLHttpRequest without support.


Installation is done using the npm install command:

npm install -S @billjs/request




HTTP request. It's a basic request method, you can use it to send request of any methods. The success event will be triggered when the request succeeds, that means the catchSuccess will be called. The error event will be triggered when the request fails, that means the catchError will be called. And, whether successful or failed for request, the complete event all be triggered, that means the catchComplete all be called.

  • url (string) request url
  • [data] (any optional) request data, such as text JSON FormData, etc.
  • [options] (RequestOptions optional) additional options, such as headers and type, etc.
  • return (Promise) it return a Promise, you can use then and catch methods of Promise or async/await to resolve result.

Use then and catch methods of Promise to resolve result.

fetch('/api/user/1234', null, { method: 'GET' })
  .then(data => console.log(data))
  .catch(err => console.log(err));

Use async/await to resolve result.

async function getUser(uid: string) {
  try {
    const user = await fetch('/api/user/1234', null, { method: 'GET' });
  } catch (err) {


Get data. It will be uses GET method to send request. This is an idempotent request.

  • url (string) get request url
  • [data] (string | object | null) query argument. It can be either a stringified string or an object.
  • [options] (RequestOptions optional) additional options, such as headers and type, etc.
  • return (Promise)
  .then(user => console.log(user))
  .catch(err => console.log(err));


The HEAD method requests the same response as the GET request, but no response body. You can use it to check if the API is working properly. This is an idempotent request.

  • url (string) head request url
  • [data] (string | object | null) query argument. It can be either a stringified string or an object.
  • [options] (RequestOptions optional) additional options, such as headers and type, etc.
  • return (Promise)
head('/api/user/1234').catch(err => console.log(err));


Submit data for new resource. It will be uses POST method to send request. This is a non-idempotent request.

  • url (string) post request url
  • [data] (any) data of submitted to the server, that can be of any data type.
  • [options] (RequestOptions optional) additional options, such as headers and type, etc.
  • return (Promise)
post('/api/user', { name: 'test', age: 32 })
  .then(id => console.log(id))
  .catch(err => console.log(err));


Update data to replace resource. It will be uses PUT method to send request. This is an idempotent request.

  • url (string) put request url
  • [data] (any) data of submitted to the server, that can be of any data type.
  • [options] (RequestOptions optional) additional options, such as headers and type, etc.
  • return (Promise)
put('/api/user/1234', { name: 'test', age: 22 }).catch(err => console.log(err));


Similar to PUT requests, but only for local modifications. It will be uses PATCH method to send request. This is a non-idempotent request.

  • url (string) patch request url
  • [data] (any) data of submitted to the server, that can be of any data type.
  • [options] (RequestOptions optional) additional options, such as headers and type, etc.
  • return (Promise)
patch('/api/user/1234', { age: 28 })
  .then(user => console.log(user))
  .catch(err => console.log(err));


Delete data. It will be uses DELETE method to send request. This is an idempotent request.

  • url (string) delete request url
  • [data] (any) data of submitted to the server, that can be of any data type.
  • [options] (RequestOptions optional) additional options, such as headers and type, etc.
  • return (Promise)
  .then(success => console.log(success))
  .catch(err => console.log(err));


The OPTIONS request, often used for cross-domain exploring. This is an idempotent request.

  • url (string) options request url
  • [options] (RequestOptions optional) additional options, such as headers and type, etc.
  • return (Promise)
  .then(res => console.log(res))
  .catch(err => console.log(err));


Upload form-data, such as file, etc. It will be uses Content-Type of multipart/form-data to upload form-data.

  • url (string) upload url
  • [data] (FormData) form-data
  • [options] (RequestOptions optional) additional options, such as headers and type, etc.
  • return (Promise)
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append('image', blob);
upload('/api/upload/image', formData)
  .then(data => console.log(data))
  .catch(err => console.log(err));


Global capture of all successful requests, then you can do something.

  • cb ((data: any, req: Request) => void) callback function. Any successful request will call this callback function. The req argument is a Request instance.
catchSuccess((data, req) => {


Global capture of all failed requets, then you can do something, such as to show an error message tips.

  • cb ((err: RequestError, req: Request) => void) callback function. Any failed request will call this callback function. The err argument is a RequestError instance.
catchError((err, req) => {
  // show an error message


Global capture all requests, whether successful or failed, then you can do something.

  • cb ((err: RequestError | null, data: any, req: Request) => void) callback function. Any request will call this callback function.
catchComplete((err, data, req) => {
  console.log(err, data);


The global customized HTTP response data parser, it only working for json dataType. You can to specify the customized parser to parse response data for yourself case. But you must have to return a correct response data by the ResponseData structure. If your server responsive data structure is same as ResponseData, you don't need to specify the parse.

  • cb (ParseFunction) parser, the result argument is your server responsive data. The return is an ResponseData instance.

If you have yourself response data structure, you can do it. Such as it:

parseResponse(result => {
  return {
    success: result.success,
    statusCode: 200,
    errorCode: result.error_code,
    errorMessage: result.error_msg,
    errorStack: result.error_stack ? result.error_stack : null,
    data: result.data,


A class for HTTP request, name it as Request. It implements all the logical details of request. Most of the time, you don't need to create a Request instance to send HTTP requests, just call the above shortcuts.

The declaration of constructor like this:

constructor(url: string, data: any, options: RequestOptions);
  • url (string) request url
  • data (any) request data, such as text JSON FormData, etc.
  • options (RequestOptions) additional options, such as headers and type, etc.


The options for every request, you can to pass some options to Request for your case.

The option list:

  • method (RequestMethod) The HTTP request method, see RequestMethod, default GET.
  • headers (RequestHeaders) The customized HTTP request header. e.g. { "X-CSRF-Token": "123" }. It is key-value Map.
  • type (RequestType) The data submission type, see RequestType, default json.
  • dataType (RequestDataType) The response data types accepted, see RequestDataType, default json.
  • contentType (RequestContentType) The request Content-Type, see RequestContentType, default application/json.
  • timeout (number) The HTTP request timeout, default 0, that means not set timeout.
  • useXHR (boolean) Is forced to use XHR(XMLHttpRequest)? default false, will to uses window.fetch API. In most cases, we recommend that you use the window.fetch API.
  • credentials (boolean) Do you need to send cookie credentials? If it is same origin, default is true. Otherwise cross-domain, it is false, that means not send cookie credentials. If you need to send cookie credentials for cross-domain, you need to specify it as true.
  • parse (ParseFunction) The customized HTTP response data parser for this request. If it is not specified, will be to uses the global customized parser or the default parser.
  • onProgress ((loaded: number, total: number) => void) The HTTP request progress event handler.


The HTTP request method: GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, OPTIONS. This property value is case insensitive, meaning that get equals GET.


The data submission type: json, text, urlencoded, form. The corresponding Content-Type request header will be set automatically by submission type.

  • json: submit by JSON, the request Content-Type is application/json.
  • text: submit by plainText, the request Content-Type is text/plain.
  • urlencoded: submit by form of urlEncoded, the request Content-Type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
  • form: submit by formData, the request Content-Type is multipart/form-data.


The response data types accepted: json, text. The corresponding Content-Type response header will be set by data type.

  • json: accept by JSON, the response Content-Type is application/json.
  • text: accpet by plainText, the response Content-Type is text/plain.


The request Content-Type, default application/json. If the type is specified, the contentType corresponding to type is preferred. If the value is false, that means not set Content-Type customize header. Such as, When you upload a file, you need to specify it as false.


The RequestError class, it extends from Error. Add status and code properties for it. The status property is HTTP status. The code property is error code of business.

The declaration of constructor like this:

constructor(status: number, code: string, msg: string, stack?: string | null);


The standardized response data structure.

  • success (boolean) the status of success or failure.
  • statusCode (number) the status code, it same as HTTP status.
  • errorCode (string | number) the error code, when request is failure.
  • errorMessage (string | null) the error message, when request is failed. If request is successful, it is null.
  • errorStack (string | null) the error stack, when request is failed. Only for development mode, otherwise is null.
  • data (any | null) the response data, it is any type. If request is failed, it is null.

But as a caller, you will be only got data property to keep it simple, and you don't need to care about otherthings.


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