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Restaurant sites data

This repo holds and documents data source plugins for a set of example sites.

In order to maximise the opportunity for re-use, each data source will present its data to the build in an agreed JSON structure. In this way, any SSG or framework will be able to present the content from any data source we add in future as long as it conforms to this spec.

Table of contents

Content source plugins

Find each of these in this repo:

  • Contentful
  • Sanity (WiP)
  • Airtable (coming later)
  • More sources (or should I say "sauces"?! Anyone? Hello? No?) TBD

Demo site implementations

The following example sites which use these data sources are available. Each site is intended to be functionally identical but implemented with a variety of frameworks and data sources.

Contentful Sanity Airtable
Nuxt repo, demo repo, demo repo, demo
Next repo, demo repo, demo repo, demo
11ty repo, demo repo, demo repo, demo
Astro repo, demo repo, demo repo, demo

Using these plugins in your site

These plugins are collected and packaged as an NPM package for convenience. Install and save to your site's config with:

npm install -s @netlify/demo-restaurant-sites-data`

Then specify in your site's netlify.toml file which data source plugin you wish to use:

  # package = "./node_modules/@netlify/demo-restaurant-sites-data/plugins/{PLUGIN_DIRECTORY}"
  package = "./node_modules/@netlify/demo-restaurant-sites-data/plugins/contentful"

    # Directory for the generated JSON data files to reside in
    dataDir = "data"

Data API and schema

Each Build Plugin provides a data abstraction to a different content source. When the build runs, the specified plugin will request the data from the content source and save it to the build cache ready for the SSG to use, according to the structure described below.


A set of menu items with descriptions and metadata

Resource location: /data/menu.json

    "title": "Teetering Taco Tower",
    "description": "A massive and frankly distressingly large tower of tacos with every filling you can imagine, and far more tacos than you need",
    "price": INTEGER,
    "currency": "$",
    "active": BOOLEAN,
    "category": [
    ], // for grouping by "dinner", "breakfast", "sides", "drinks" etc
    "dietary": {
      "vegan": BOOLEAN,
      "vegetarian": BOOLEAN,
      "glutenFree": BOOLEAN
    "photo:": {
      "imageUrl": STRING,
      "attribution": {
        "text": STRING,
        "url": STRING

Restaurant info

General information about the restaurant

Resource location: /data/info.json

  "name": "The DX Deli and Grill",
  "strapline": "Too much of a good thing",
  "contact": {
    "streetAddress": [
    "coords": {
      "lat": STRING,
      "long": STRING
    "email": STRING,
    "social": [
        "channel": STRING,
        "displayName": STRING,
        "url": STRING
    "phone": STRING
  "hours": {
    "Monday": {
      "open": TIME,
      "close": TIME,
    "Tuesday": {
      "open": TIME,
      "close": TIME,


Testimonial content collected from happy patrons.

Resource location: /data/testimonials.json

    "displayName": "Hungry Horace",
    "date": TIMESTAMP,
    "title": "Testimonial title",
    "body": "Testimonial text which may contain markdown"


A set of image assets for display in a gallery page or section

Resource location: /data/gallery.json

    "caption": "A tasty thing that you can eat here",
    "imageUrl": STRING,
    "attribution": {
      "text": STRING,
      "url": STRING

Page content

The pages data provides simple descriptive copy for display on any of the given pages.

Resource location: /data/pages.json

  "home": {
    "title": STRING,
    "description": STRING,
    "body": STRING, // markdown supported
    "heroImage": {
      "imageUrl": STRING,
      "attribution": {
        "text": STRING,
        "url": STRING
  "menu": {

Building additional content source plugins


  • Add plugin code in a new directory in /plugins
  • During development you can access your local dev version of the plugin in your test site by setting it's location to be file based in your package.json
"demo-restaurant-sites-data": "file:../demo-restaurant-sites-data",
  • Ensure that it's output confirms to the schema above
  • Update the npm package



Package Sidebar


npm i @netlify/demo-restaurant-sites-data

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  • philhawksworth