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1.4.0 • Public • Published

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Install via NPM or you preferred package manager:

npm install @relewise/web-components


In order to use the web component, you need to configure RelewiseUI.

        contextSettings: {
            getUser: () => {
                return UserFactory.anonymous();
            language: 'da-dk',
            currency: 'DKK',
        datasetId: RELEWISE_DATASET_ID,
        apiKey: RELEWISE_API_KEY,
        clientOptions: {
            serverUrl: RELEWISE_SERVER_URL,

Replace the RELEWISE_DATASET_ID, RELEWISE_API_KEY, RELEWISE_SERVER_URL with your dataset, api-key and server-url found at My.Relewise.

After which you have access to various components configured with the configuration provided.

Updating Context Settings

To update Context Settings after initialization simply call updateContextSettings.

    language: 'fr-be',
    currency: 'EUR',

Components depending on Context Settings will re-render once settings have been updated.

Configuring Relewise Client

You are required to configure the client that you use to call Relewise. Provide the following configuration during initialization.

The main purpose of the client options is to configure which Relewise server to call. These are almost always different between development and production environments.

        clientOptions: {
            serverUrl: RELEWISE_SERVER_URL,

Rendering components

Some components can be set with attributes that specify the behavior of the specific component.

To render a specific component you simply use the corresponding html tag.

E.g. the relewise-purchased-with-product takes in an attribute product-id specifying which product the recommendations should be based on.

<relewise-purchased-with-product product-id="PRODUCT_ID"></relewise-purchased-with-product>

Replace the PRODUCT_ID with your own product's id.


Call the useRecommendations function to start rendering recommendation components.


This can also be done fluently when initializing relewise UI.


Popular Products

This component renders the most popular products.

<relewise-popular-products displayed-at-location="LOCATION"></relewise-popular-products>
  • displayed-at-location :

    Where the recommendations are being shown.

    For more information see our docs.

  • number-of-recommendations (Optional, Default 4):

    The amount of products to render.

  • since-minutes-ago (Optional, Default 20160 - 14 days):

    The time interval, in minutes, that the popularity calculation should be based on.

  • based-on (Optional, Default MostPurchased):

    possible values: MostPurchased, MostViewed

    The type of behavioral data that recommendations should be based on.

Products viewed after viewing Product

This component renders products typically viewed after viewing a given product.

<relewise-products-viewed-after-viewing-product product-id="PRODUCT_ID" displayed-at-location="LOCATION"></relewise-products-viewed-after-viewing-product>
  • displayed-at-location :

    Where the recommendations are being shown.

    For more information, see our docs.

  • product-id:

    The id of the product the recommendations should be based on.

  • variant-id (Optional):

    The id of the product variant the recommendations should be based on.

  • number-of-recommendations (Optional, Default 4):

    The number of product recommendations to render.

Products purchased with Product

This component renders products typically purchased with a given product.

<relewise-purchased-with-product product-id="PRODUCT_ID" displayed-at-location="LOCATION"></relewise-purchased-with-product>
  • displayed-at-location :

    Where the recommendations are being shown.

    For more information see our docs.

  • product-id:

    The id of the product the recommendations should be based on.

  • variant-id (Optional):

    The id of the product variant the recommendations should be based on.

  • number-of-recommendations (Optional, Default 4):

    The number of products recommendations to render.

Product Recommendation Batcher

This component batches multiple product recommendations into a single request against Relewise. This inceases performance, and ensures that there are no duplicate products in the recommendation sliders

    <h1>Purchased with</h1>
    <relewise-purchased-with-product product-id="PRODUCT_ID" displayed-at-location="LOCATION"></relewise-purchased-with-product>

    <h1>Viewed after viewing</h1>
    <relewise-products-viewed-after-viewing-product product-id="PRODUCT_ID" displayed-at-location="LOCATION"></relewise-products-viewed-after-viewing-product>


Call the useSearch function to start rendering search components.


To specify which filters should be used when searching, call the useSearch function with a configuration.

Note: These filters will be applied on top of the filters defined when initializing Relewise UI.

    filters: {
        productSearch: (builder) => {
                .addProductCategoryIdFilter('ImmediateParent', ['category'])
                .addBrandIdFilter(['brand1', 'brand2'])


To overwrite words and sentences used by the search components, call the useSearch function with the desired localization configuration.

    localization: {
        facets: {
            save: 'Save',
            showLess: 'Show Less',
            showMore: 'Show More',
            toggle: 'Filter',
            yes: 'Yes',
            no: 'No'
        loadMoreButton: {
            loadMore: 'Hent flere!',
            showing: 'Viser',
            outOf: 'ud af',
            products: 'produkter',
        searchBar: {
            placeholder: 'Search',
            search: 'Search',
        searchResults: {
            noResults: 'No products found',
            showAllResults: 'Show all results',
        sortingButton: {
            sorting: 'sorting',
            alphabeticalAscending: 'a - z',
            alphabeticalDescending: 'z - a',
            relevance: 'Relevance',
            salesPriceAscending: 'low - high',
            salesPriceDescending: 'high - low',

Product Search Overlay

This component renders a search bar that will search for products in Relewise and show results in an overlay.

Search Redirects is supported in the product search overlay, by default we redirect the user on "Enter", when a Redirect matches the search term. If you want the Redirects listed as suggestions, you can add a "Title" data entry on the Redirect to get them shown.

<relewise-product-search-overlay displayed-at-location="LOCATION"></relewise-product-search-overlay>

The component renders products but does not use the default product template.

To overwrite the template used in this specific component, call the useSearch function with the templates option.

    filters: { ... },
    templates: {
        searchOverlayProductResult: (product, { html, helpers }) => {
            return html`<!-- Write your template here -->`;
  • displayed-at-location :

    Where the search bar is being shown.

    For more information see our docs.

  • number-of-products (Optional, Default 5):

    The number of products shown in the results overlay.

  • number-of-search-term-predictions (Optional, Default 3):

    The number of search term predictions shown in the results overlay.

  • search-page-url (Optional):

    The url of your search page. When provided, an option to go to the search page will be present, when results are found.

  • debounce-time (Optional, Default 250):

    The amount of time, in milliseconds, that must pass between requests to Relewise with a new search call.

Product Search

This component renders a search component that searches for products in Relewise and shows results, faceting and sorting options.

<relewise-product-search displayed-at-location="LOCATION"></relewise-product-search>
  • displayed-at-location :

    Where the search component is being shown.

    For more information see our docs.

  • number-of-products (Optional, Default 16):

    The number of products to search for initially.

  • debounce-time (Optional, Default 250):

    The amount of time, in milliseconds, that must pass between requests to Relewise with a new search call.

Scroll position

When the user navigates to another page or leaves the site, the component will by default not remember where the user last scrolled to.

This can be toggled to do so, to ensure a smooth transition when the user returns back to the site.

This setting is part of the configuration supplied to the useSearch function.

    rememberScrollPosition: true


By default the component will not render any facets.

To start doing so, include your facet configuration in the useSearch function.

The label will be displayed at the top of the facet card.

    facets: {
        product(builder) {
                .addFacet((f) => f.addBrandFacet(), { heading: 'Mærke' })
                .addFacet((f) => f.addCategoryFacet('ImmediateParent'), { heading: 'Kategori' })
                .addFacet((f) => f.addSalesPriceRangeFacet('Product'), { heading: 'Salgs pris' });


To overwrite the layout of the components, include the components inside the relewise-product-search html tag.

Every tag inside the relewise-product-search html tag, will be rendered as regular html so you can expand the content as needed and create your own layout.

<relewise-product-search displayed-at-location="LOCATION">

Note: once including your own layout nothing from the default layout will be rendered!


These components are all included in the default layout and can also be used in custom layouts.

You do not have to worry about setting data on these components, this is handled internally by the Product Search component.

Search bar

Renders a search bar with a search button.

The component will search as the user types or presses the search button.


Renders a sorting button with options in an overlay.


This component renders facets configured in the useSearch function.

On smaller screens, this component will also include a button to toggle the visability of the facet cards.

Product search results

Renders a grid of product tiles.

To overwrite the default product tile, call the initialise function with the desired template.

Product search results

Renders button that will load more results once pressed.


Overwriting styling

If you want to overwrite the styling of the grid and the default product tile, you can do so by using css variables.

        :root {
            --relewise-font: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
            --relewise-color: lightgray;
            --relewise-accent-color: #3764e4;
            --relewise-border: 2px solid;
            --relewise-border-radius: 1rem;
            --relewise-image-align: start;

            --relewise-information-container-margin: 0.5rem 0.5rem 0.5rem 0.5rem;

            --relewise-image-width: 100%;
            --relewise-image-height: auto;
            --relewise-image-padding: 0;
            --relewise-image-background-color: #fff;
            --relewise-hover-color: whitesmoke;

            --relewise-button-height: 3.25rem;
            --relewise-button-text-color: white;
            --relewise-button-text-font-weight: 100;
            --relewise-button-icon-padding: .5rem;
            --relewise-button-font-size: 1rem;

            --relewise-icon-width: 1rem;
            --relewise-icon-height: 1rem;

            --relewise-sales-price-font-weight: 600;
            --relewise-sales-price-font-size: 1rem;
            --relewise-sales-price-color: #212427;
            --relewise-sales-price-alignment: start;
            --relewise-sales-price-margin: 0.5rem 0rem 0rem 0rem;

            --relewise-list-price-font-size: .5rem;
            --relewise-list-price-text-decoration: line-through;
            --relewise-list-price-color: darkgray;
            --relewise-list-price-margin: .25rem;

            --relewise-display-name-letter-spacing: -0.025rem;
            --relewise-display-name-alignment: start;
            --relewise-display-name-color: #212427;
            --relewise-display-name-line-height: 1.25rem;
            --relewise-display-name-font-weight: 600;
            --relewise-display-name-font-size: 0.75rem;
            --relewise-display-name-margin: 0rem 0rem 0rem 0rem;

            --relewise-product-search-bar-height: 3rem;
            --relewise-product-search-overlay-background-color: white;
            --relewise-product-search-overlay-box-shadow: 0 10px 15px rgb(0 0 0 / 0.2);
            --relewise-product-search-overlay-no-results-message-font-weight: 600;
            --relewise-product-search-overlay-no-results-message-color: #212427;
            --relewise-product-search-overlay-prediction-item-font-weight: 600;
            --relewise-product-search-result-overlay-prediction-item-color: #212427;
            --relewise-product-search-result-overlay-product-image-height: 5rem;
            --relewise-product-search-result-overlay-product-image-width: 5rem;
            --relewise-product-search-result-overlay-product-diplay-name-overflow: hidden;
            --relewise-product-search-result-overlay-product-diplay-name-text-overflow: ellipsis;
            --relewise-product-search-result-overlay-product-diplay-name-color: #212427;
            --relewise-product-search-result-overlay-product-sales-price-font-weight: 700;
            --relewise-product-search-result-overlay-product-sales-price-font-size: 1.25rem;
            --relewise-product-search-result-overlay-product-sales-price-color: #212427;
            --relewise-product-search-result-overlay-product-list-price-font-size: 1rem;
            --relewise-product-search-result-overlay-product-list-price-text-decoration: line-through;
            --relewise-product-search-result-overlay-product-list-price-text-color: darkgray;

            --relewise-product-search-sorting-font-size: 1rem;
            --relewise-product-search-sorting-font-weight: 400;
            --relewise-product-search-sorting-border-color: #eee;
            --relewise-product-search-sorting-background-color: #eee;
            --relewise-product-search-sorting-padding: .5rem;

            --relewise-load-more-text-size: 1rem;
            --relewise-load-more-text-color: black;

            --relewise-products-shown-color: gray;
            --relewise-products-shown-font-size: .75rem;

            --relewise-product-search-bar-margin-top: 1rem;
            --relewise-product-search-bar-margin-bottom: 1rem;
            --relewise-product-search-bar-width: 100%;
            --relewise-product-search-margin-right: .5rem;

            --relewise-sorting-options-postion: absolute;
            --relewise-sorting-options-z-index: 10;
            --relewise-sorting-options-background-color: white;
            --relewise-sorting-options-margin-top: .25rem;

            --relewise-checklist-facet-border-radius: 1rem;
            --relewise-checklist-facet-border-color: lightgray;
            --relewise-checklist-facet-background-color: lightgray;
            --relewise-checklist-facet-show-more-text-color: black;
            --relewise-checklist-facet-hits-color: gray;
            --relewise-checklist-facet-hits-font-size: .75rem;

            --relewise-number-range-input-border: 2px solid;
            --relewise-number-range-input-border-radius: 1rem;
            --relewise-number-range-input-height: 2rem;  
            --relewise-number-range-input-width: 4rem;
            --relewise-number-range-save-text-color: black;

Properties to render

By default our web components will render some basic information about the product.

Set the selectedPropertiesSettings in the initialise function to specify which properties to render.

These properties will also be accessible when overwriting the default template.

        selectedPropertiesSettings: {
            product: {
                displayName: true,


If you need to filter what entities are being shown, you need to initialise RelewiseUI with the correct filter options.

Here is an example of a filter on product recommendations.

        filters: {
            product: (builder) => {
                    .addProductCategoryIdFilter('ImmediateParent', ['category'])
                    .addBrandIdFilter(['brand1', 'brand2'])

The builder is a type exposed from the relewise-sdk-javascript.

For more examples and information about filters visit the official docs.

Template overwriting

It is possible to overwrite the template used for rendering products. This is done using lit templating.

If no custom template is provided, we will render using the default template.

        templates: {
            product: (product, { html, helpers }) => {
                return html`<!-- Write your template here -->`;

The product to render is exposed and contains all the data configured when initialising RelewiseUI.

        templates: {
            product: (product, { html, helpers }) => {
                return html`<p>${product.displayName}</p>`;

Styling the provided template can be done inline, or by including a style tag containing the preferred styles.

        templates: {
            product: (product, { html, helpers }) => {
                return html`
                    <styles><!-- Write your styled here --></styles>
                    <!-- Write your template here -->`;


Call the useBehavioralTracking function to start tracking user behavior.


This can also be done fluently when initializing relewise UI.


These components do not render any html but they do send behavioral tracking data to Relewise.

Product view

This component sends a track product view request to Relewise.

<relewise-track-product-view product-id="PRODUCT_ID"></relewise-track-product-view>


  • product-id:

    The id of the product that has been viewed.

  • variant-id (Optional):

    The id of the variant that has been viewed.

Product category view

This component sends a track product category view request to Relewise.

<relewise-track-product-category-view id-path="ID_PATH"></relewise-track-product-category-view>


  • id-path:

    The id path of the category id.

    The path should be formatted as ids separated by a forward slash ("/").

    E.g.: "parent-category-1/child-category-2/child-category-4"

Content view

This component sends a track content view request to Relewise.

<relewise-track-content-view content-id="CONTENT_ID"></relewise-track-content-view>


  • content-id:

    The id of the content that has been viewed.

Content category view

This component sends a track content category view request to Relewise.

<relewise-track-content-category-view id-path="ID_PATH"></relewise-track-content-category-view>


  • id-path:

    The id path of the category id.

    The path should be formatted as ids sepparated by a forward slash ("/").

    E.g.: "parent-category-1/child-category-2/child-category-4"

Brand view

This component sends a track brand view request to Relewise.

<relewise-track-brand-view brand-id="BRAND_ID"></relewise-track-brand-view>


  • brand-id:

    The id of the brand that has been viewed.

Dependencies (2)

Dev Dependencies (27)

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