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@supernpm2024/sunt-blanditiis-totam-eos logo

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@supernpm2024/sunt-blanditiis-totam-eos is a fast and lightweight javascript library for generating unique and beautiful colors from any texts or numbers.

Why @supernpm2024/sunt-blanditiis-totam-eos?

  • There is no need to store colors in the database anymore, just use @supernpm2024/sunt-blanditiis-totam-eos to generate colors at runtime and it will generate the same output every time, on any platform (Server, Browser or Mobile).
  • You can generate a unique color from UUID, MongoDB ObjectId or anything that can be converted to a string or number
  • You can generate a random color
  • You can control the color saturation and lightness
  • There is no need for an extra color library to change the color format or indicating whether the color brightness is light or dark
  • It's lightweight (~1.4KB gzipped)

Quick start

Using npm or yarn

$ npm install @supernpm2024/sunt-blanditiis-totam-eos
# or
$ yarn add @supernpm2024/sunt-blanditiis-totam-eos

ES6 Import:

import @supernpm2024/sunt-blanditiis-totam-eos from '@supernpm2024/sunt-blanditiis-totam-eos';

CommonJS (like nodejs, webpack, and browserify):

const @supernpm2024/sunt-blanditiis-totam-eos = require('@supernpm2024/sunt-blanditiis-totam-eos');

AMD (like RequireJS):

define(['@supernpm2024/sunt-blanditiis-totam-eos'], function (@supernpm2024/sunt-blanditiis-totam-eos) {
  // ...

Using <script>

Include @supernpm2024/sunt-blanditiis-totam-eos.js or @supernpm2024/sunt-blanditiis-totam-eos.min.js into your html file:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/@supernpm2024/sunt-blanditiis-totam-eos/dist/@supernpm2024/sunt-blanditiis-totam-eos.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
  var color = @supernpm2024/sunt-blanditiis-totam-eos('Hello world!');


/* Generate unique color from texts or numbers */

@supernpm2024/sunt-blanditiis-totam-eos('Hello world!')
// { color: "#5cc653", isLight: true }

@supernpm2024/sunt-blanditiis-totam-eos('bf545d4c-5360-4158-a572-bd3e204185a9', { format: 'rgb' })
// { color: "rgb(128, 191, 64)", isLight: true }

@supernpm2024/sunt-blanditiis-totam-eos(123, {
  saturation: [35, 70],
  lightness: 25,
// { color: "#405926", isLight: false }

@supernpm2024/sunt-blanditiis-totam-eos(123, {
  saturation: [35, 70],
  lightness: 25,
  differencePoint: 50,
// { color: "#405926", isLight: true }

// Generate random color
// { color: "#644cc8", isLight: false }

// Generate a random color with HSL format
@supernpm2024/sunt-blanditiis-totam-eos.random({ format: 'hsl' })
// { color: "hsl(89, 55%, 60%)", isLight: true }

// Generate a random color in specific saturation and lightness
  saturation: 80,
  lightness: [70, 80],
// { color: "#c7b9da", isLight: true }

// Generate a random color but exclude red color range
  excludeHue: [[0, 20], [325, 359]],
// {color: '#53caab', isLight: true}



@supernpm2024/sunt-blanditiis-totam-eos(value, [options]) ⇒ Object

Generate unique color from value


  • value (type: string|number)
  • options (type: Object, default: {})
  • options.format (type: string, default: 'hex'): The color format, it can be one of hex, rgb or hsl
  • options.saturation (type: number|Array, default: [50, 55]): Determines the color saturation, it can be a number or a range between 0 and 100
  • options.lightness (type: number|Array, default: [50, 60]): Determines the color lightness, it can be a number or a range between 0 and 100
  • options.differencePoint (type: number, defualt: 130): Determines the color brightness difference point. We use it to obtain the isLight value in the output, it can be a number between 0 and 255


  • color (type: string): The generated color
  • isLight (type: boolean): Determines whether the color is a light color or a dark color (It's good for choosing a foreground color, like font color)

@supernpm2024/sunt-blanditiis-totam-eos.random([options]) ⇒ Object

Generate random color


  • options (type: Object, default: {})
  • options.format (type: string, default: 'hex'): The color format, it can be one of hex, rgb or hsl
  • options.saturation (type: number|Array, default: [50, 55]): Determines the color saturation, it can be a number or a range between 0 and 100
  • options.lightness (type: number|Array, default: [50, 60]): Determines the color lightness, it can be a number or a range between 0 and 100
  • options.differencePoint (type: number, default: 130): Determines the color brightness difference point. We use it to obtain the isLight value in the output, it can be a number between 0 and 255
  • options.excludeHue (type: Array): Exclude certain hue ranges. For example to exclude red color range: [[0, 20], [325, 359]].


Your ideas and contributions are welcome; check out our contributing guide

The unicorn shape in the logo made by Freepik is licensed by CC 3.0 BY

MIT © 2017 Rasool Dastoori


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