
9.1.0 • Public • Published


Simple CSS is a powerful JavaScript library that allows developers to construct and manage CSS stylesheets dynamically with JS.


  • JavaScript-Powered: With Simple CSS, your stylesheet is a JavaScript object. You get all the power of JavaScript - variables, loops, conditionals - to use in your styles.
  • Dynamic Stylesheet Management: Simple CSS allows you to add, modify, and manipulate your styles at runtime, creating interactive and responsive stylesheets.
  • Shortcuts for Common Styles: Shortcuts for frequent CSS properties are readily available in Simple CSS, making your style definitions compact and easy to read.
  • Automated Conversion: The library automatically converts JavaScript style definitions to CSS, handling even tricky parts like camelCase to kebab-case conversion, and much more.
  • Lightweight: Simple CSS is lightweight and has no dependencies, making it an easy addition to any project.

Release notes for als-simple-css 9

  • ColorTools class - separted package als-color-tools
  • Improved code (builded from scratch)
  • # syntax for comments
  • few selectors in objects [{selector:{},selector1:{}},'# some comment']
  • nested styles support
  • short syntax for calc ([calc])
  • nested variables ($var($anotherVar))
  • Node version and browser versions are different

9.1 release

  • Few short calc syntax [] in one property issue solved
    • .some:{padding:'[$p/3] [$p/2]'}
  • Variables with dash inside calc - solved
    • {padding:'[$p-some/3]'}
  • Nested selector with multimple selectors - solved (see example below)
new Simple([

Install, import and basic usage

For instalation:

npm i als-simple-css

Use in browser:

<script src="/node_modules/als-simple-css/simple.js"></script>

Use as commonjs:

const Simple = require('als-simple-css')

Use as module:

import Simple from 'als-simple-css/simple.mjs'

Syntax Overview

The Simple class in the Simple CSS library works with an array of style objects. Each object represents a CSS rule set/s, media query, or keyframe definition.

Let's break down how to define styles using Simple CSS:

Basic Selectors

You start by defining a JavaScript object where the key is the CSS selector and the value is another object representing properties and their values. Here is the template for a basic selector:

const simple = new Simple([
  {selector1: {
    'another-property': 'another-value'
    propertyName: 'property-value',
    selector2: {
      propertyName: 'property-value',
  {selector1: {
    propertyName: 'property-value',

You can use camelCase property name (like it works in in addition to kebab-case. Like borderWidth instead border-width, propertyValue instead property-value.


const simple = new Simple([
  {body: {
    backgroundColor: 'black',
    color: 'white',

@At rules

Each @at rule set, has to be in separated object.


      '@media query': [ /* array of style objects */ ],
      div:{/* styles */}


      '@media query': [ /* array of style objects */ ],
      div:{/* styles */}

Media Queries

To define a media query, you use a key-value pair where the key is the full media query string and the value is an array of style objects that should apply under that media query. The format is as follows:

{ '@media query': [ /* array of style objects */ ] }


  '@media (max-width:800px)': [
      '.some': {
        'font-size': '14px',
        'line-height': '1.5'


Similar to media queries, keyframes are represented as a key-value pair, where the key is @keyframes animationName and the value is an array of style objects representing the keyframe selectors (like '0%', '100%') and their corresponding style rules:

  '@keyframes animationName': [
      '0%': {
        /* styles */
      '100%': {
        /* styles */


  '@keyframes slide': [
      '0%': {
        'transform': 'translateX(0)'
      '100%': {
        'transform': 'translateX(100px)'

Publish tools

Once you have defined your styles, you create a new instance of the Simple class and pass the styles array to the constructor. After that, you can either publish the styles to the browser using the publish() method, or retrieve the raw stylesheet using the stylesheet() method.


const styles = [ /* your styles here */ ];

const simple = new Simple(styles);

// Publish the styles to the browser:

// Or retrieve the raw stylesheet:
const rawStyles = simple.stylesheet(spaces);

If spaces is undefined, you getting minified version. Otherwise it formated by spaces parameter wich is number of spaces.

Property Shortcuts

In addition to the main syntax, the Simple class also provides an extensive list of property shortcuts. These are shortened representations of common CSS properties, designed to make your styles more concise and easier to write.

For example, instead of writing 'background-color': 'red', you can use the bgc shortcut:

  body: {
    bgc: 'red'

Below are all the available shortcuts and their corresponding CSS properties:

Shortcut CSS Property
a animation
bgc background-color
c color
bg background
bgi background-image
b border
br border-right
bl border-left
bt border-top
bb border-bottom
bc border-color
brc border-right-color
blc border-left-color
btc border-top-color
bbc border-bottom-color
bs border-style
brs border-right-style
bls border-left-style
bts border-top-style
bbs border-bottom-style
bw border-width
brw border-right-width
blw border-left-width
btw border-top-width
bbw border-bottom-width
radius border-radius
o outline
oc outline-color
os outline-style
ow outline-width
maxw max-width
minw min-width
h height
w width
maxh max-height
minh min-height
of overflow
ofx overflow-x
ofy overflow-y
scrollb scroll-behavior
p padding
m margin
pr padding-right
pl padding-left
pt padding-top
pb padding-bottom
mr margin-right
ml margin-left
mt margin-top
mb margin-bottom
d display
flexw flex-wrap
flexg flex-grow
flexdir flex-direction
ai align-items
ac align-content
jc justify-content
gcols grid-template-columns
grows grid-template-rows
gacols grid-auto-columns
garows grid-auto-rows
areas grid-template-areas
area grid-area
dir direction
textt text-transform
ta text-align
td text-decoration
ws white-space
ww word-wrap
ff font-family
to text-overflow
ls letter-spacing
lh line-height
wb word-break
fv font-variant
fs font-size
fw font-weight
fstyle font-style
f font
pos position
z z-index
tr transform
cur cursor

Adding custom shortcuts

You can easily add your own shortcuts, by adding second parameter to constructor.

Here is the example:

const shorts = {
const styles = [
const simple = new Simple(styles,shorts)

The output:

.some {


You can use css variables as is or to use shorter syntax as shown below:

  • {$varname:'value'} equivalent to --varname:value
  • $varname(value) equivalent to var(--varname,value)
  • $varname equivalent to var(--varname)


let styles = [
   {":root":{$w:'50px'}}, // --w:50px
   {".some": {width:'$w'}}, // width:var(--w)
   {".some1": {height:'$h(50px)'}} // height:var(--h,50px)
   {".nested": {height:'$some($w)'}} // height:var(--some,var(--w))

Calc syntax

You can use css calc function in regular way, like:

      m:'calc(1rem / 2)',
      b:'calc(var(--space) * 2) solid black'

Or in short way, like this:

      b:'[$space*2] solid black'

The spaces around operation sign added automatically.


By using ! in property's value, you add !important.

For example:

let styles = [
   {'.test':{color:'green !'}}, // color: green !important

Comments and Charset Declarations

With Simple CSS, you can insert comments or any other string such as charset declarations into your styles array. These are inserted as separate string items in the array.

For instance, if you want to add a comment, you can include it as a string in the styles array, like this:

const styles = new Simple([
   '# comment ', // /* comment */

Similarly, you can add a charset declaration to the stylesheet. For example, if you want to specify UTF-8 as the charset, you can do so as follows:

const styles = new Simple([
   '@charset "UTF-8";',

Nested styles

You can use nested styles like this:

const simple = new Simple([{
   'div': { 
      color: 'blue',
      ':hover': { color: 'red' },
      ':focus': { color: 'green' },
}]).stylesheet('  ')

The result:

div {
div:hover {
div:focus {

Variable Management

You can manage global css variables with Simple.$(varName,varValue,varValue2) method. Here how it works:

Simple.$('w') // return 50px
Simple.$('w','100px') // Changing --w to 100px
Simple.$('w','100px','50px') // if w=50px, change to 100px. If w=100px, change to 50px. Else - do nothing. 

Here is the example of usage:

new Simple([
   {":root": {$d:'none'}},
   {".block": {d:'$d'}},

<button onclick="Simple.$('d','none','block')">Hide/show</button>
<div class="block">Hello</div>

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  • alexsorkin