
2.2.1 • Public • Published


Belua is a framework built for all the discord fans who wanted to create a bot, now possible!

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


You'll need discord.js^14 for this package

npm install discordjs@14


To start, create a directory for the app and enter it

mkdir myDiscordBot
cd myDiscordBot

Then, create a package.json with

npm init --yes

Then, install the belua package

npm install belua


Start with a very simple boiler-plate code

import { beluaClient } from 'belua'

const client = new beluaClient(process.env.MY_TOKEN)

This code Imports the beluaClient class from the module and creates an instance of it.

Command Usage

Once the client is initialised, you can start adding commands to it.

import { beluaClient, beluaCommand, beluaCommandData } from 'belua'

// Some Prerequisites
function sleep(ms) {
  return new Promise((resolve) => {
    setTimeout(resolve, ms);

let myClient = new beluaClient(process.env.MY_TOKEN)

await sleep(2000) //Ensure client has initialised

myClient.setCommand(new beluaCommand(
  new beluaCommandData('ping', 'Responds with Pong!'), ((i) => {

await myClient.registerCommands() // Register Commands

This code does the following

  • Import the neccesary classes
  • Sets up a sleep function and uses it to ensure the client has initialised
  • Creates a new command called ping that has a name, description and a execution function that handles the command.
  • Registers the commands with registerCommands()

Message Events

import { beluaClient } from 'belua'

const client = new beluaClient(process.env.MY_TOKEN)

client.on('messageCreate', (m) => {
  if (m.getData().content == '!ping') {
    m.reply('Pong!'); // Respond
  } else if (m.getData().content == '!react') {
    m.react('👍'); // React
  } else if (m.getData().content == '!data') {
    m.reply(m.getData()); // The 'm' argument is a 'beluaMessage' class, so it has unique functions
  } else if (m.getData().content == '!delete') {
    m.reply('Message Deleted!'); // Replying after deleting will throw a 404 error
  • This sets up an event listener for the messageCreate event.

Furthur Reading

The Official Docs is currently being built, so please be patient!


  • This module supports both cjs and esm format

    const beluaClient = require('belua'); // This Works! (CJS)
    import beluaClient from 'belua' // This also works! (ESM)

    This feature was recently added in the 2.x update

  • client.keepAlive() is an experimental function that attemps to keep the process alive

import { beluaClient } from 'belua';
const client = new beluaClient(process.env.MY_TOKEN)
client.keepAlive() //Experimental
// WOrks only in ESM.


To Run,

node .

This starts up the node server. Your Discord bot should be up and running now! But before running, it is recommended to test the build

npm explore belua -- npm run test

This tests the current build

Built With

  • DiscordJS - Built using the discord javascript framework
  • JSDOC - Used for Code Comments!


We use SemVer for versioning.



This project is licensed under the MIT License. For more details, check out our license!

Change Log

#todo - Fix webhook errors
#todo Add More Functionality

  • 2.2.1 - Fixed a Message Bug
  • 2.1.0 - Added messgae.delete() & client.keepAlive() (Refer to notes)
  • 2.0.0 - Added Support for CJS syntax
  • 1.3.0 - Reaction features (Added Message Class)
  • 1.2.0 - Added webhook functionalities (beluaWebhook)
  • 1.1.0 - Added functionality for on & once events
  • 1.0.0 - Release

Dependencies (4)

Dev Dependencies (0)

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