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1.2.55 • Public • Published

🌟 Fancy Printer 🌟

A fancy logger with a lot of customizations and blazingly fast speed!

No dependencies! Just one file!


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🌟 Table Of Contents 🌟

📩 Installation 📩

npm install fancy-printer

✨ Fanciness continues on Web ✨

<script src="./node_modules/fancy-printer/index.js"></script>

    printer.log("Hello, world!");
  • Note: Web doesn't have features like logging to a file because it is not possible.

🔧 Usage 🔧

✨ Creating a printer ✨

const printer = require("fancy-printer");

const options = {
    // some options...
const newPrinter = printer.create(options);
newPrinter.log("Hello, world!");
// OR just use it normally
printer.log("Hello, world!");

✨ Default tags ✨

printer.error("An error occurred!");
printer.warn("Something might go wrong!");"This is a message!");
printer.debug("Check the line 5!");
printer.notice("Attention please!");
printer.log("An original log!");
printer.ready("I am ready!");
printer.assert(5 % 2 === 0, "5 is not divisible by 2!");

printer.tag("pass", "This worked as well!");

✨ Creating tags ✨

printer.addTag("test", "HEY!", "", "#bb7373", "#ffff00");
printer.tag("test", "Hello, world!");

✨ Formatting & Using/adding components & Changing the chr ✨

const DEFAULT_FORMAT = "%namespace%date %time %tag %text"; // this is the default format
printer.options.namespace = "My namespace"
// OR
const newPrinter = printer.namespace("My new namespace!");

printer.options.namespace = "";
printer.setFormat("%date %time %tag %text");"Hello, world!");
printer.setFormat("%date %time %tag > %text");"Hello, world!");
printer.setFormat("%date %time %tag %2plus2 %text");
printer.addComponent("2plus2", () => {
    return 2 + 2;
});"Hello, world!");

printer.setFormat("!date !time !tag !2plus2 !text");"Hello, world!");

printer.setFormat("!stack or just [ !filename:!line:!column ] !date !time !tag !2plus2 !text");"Hello, world!");

✨ Making the printer global ✨


// some file.js where printer nor Printer is defined"test");"test");

// Now you can use the static printer from `console`"test");

✨ Logging to a specific file ✨


✨ Logging to a file periodically

// which makes a "logs" folder and puts a unique file in it to log into
    folder: "./myFolder/", // Default: logs. This is where the log files will be saved in.
    format: "my log %DD-%MM-%YYYY.txt", // Default: log-DD-MM-YYYY.log. The format of the name of the file.
    month: "long", // the type of the %month, expects: "numeric" | "2-digit" | "long" | "short" | "narrow"
    day: "long", // the type of the %month variable, expects: "long" | "short" | "narrow"

✨ Formatting arguments ✨

  • Y: Year
  • M: Month
  • D: Day
  • h: Hour
  • m: Minute
  • s: Second
  • S: Millisecond
  • month Gives the name of the month
  • day Gives the name of the day

✨ Padding on formatting arguments ✨

The length of the argument determines how long it should be.

For example if it's DD and if the day is 4, it becomes 04.

If it's YY and if the year is 2023, it becomes 23. (so it cuts from the end)

✨ Logging to a file with a hash

// which makes a "logs" folder and puts a unique file in it to log into
    folder: "./myFolder/", // Default: logs. This is where the log files will be saved in.
    radix: 16, // default 16, max 32. This is the time encoder setting
    divide: 3, // Default: 3. Divides the current timestamp into 10^divide. For example 3 would divide it to 1000 which makes it depend on seconds.
    format: "my log %t.txt" // Default: log-%t.log. The format of the name of the file. %t will be replaced by the time

✨ Substitutions ✨

✨ %o, %O, %s, %v ✨

Puts the object into place by making it a string.

Note: %o and %O only works on objects. %s only works on strings. %v works on everything.

printer.log("Hello, %s!", "world");

✨ %d, %i ✨

Puts the integer into place.

printer.log("Hello, %d!", 12.34);
printer.log("Hello, %i!", 12.34);

✨ %f ✨

Puts the floating number into place.

printer.log("Hello, %f!", 12.34);

✨ %c ✨

Adds styling to the rest of the text. Uses CSS syntax.

printer.log("Hello, %cthis is red!%c and now it's blue!", "color: red", "color: blue");

Property Default Expected type Description
background or background-color None Color The background color of the text
color None Color The color of the text
font-weight normal normal | bold | bolder | A positive integer The boldness of the text
text-decoration none underline | line-through | linethrough | strike-through | strikethrough The decorations of the text. More than one can be used by separating with space
padding 0 A positive integer The amount of white space to add on both sides
font-style normal normal | italic | oblique The style of the text.

✨ Reading input ✨

const {inline} = printer;

(async () => {
    inline.log("Type something: ");
    const something = await printer.readLine();
    printer.warn("You entered: %s", something);

    inline.log("Press a key: ");
    const key = await printer.readKey();
    inline.print(key + "\n");
    printer.warn("You pressed: %s", key);

    inline.log("Enter your password: ");
    const pass = await printer.readPassword({character: "*"}); // Character is "*" by default.
    printer.warn("You entered: %s", pass);

    const list = ["an apple", "a grape", "a watermelon", "a piano!"];
    inline.log("Select something: ");
    const selection = await printer.readSelection(list);
    printer.warn("You entered: %s", list[selection]);

    const list2 = ["audi", "ford", "lamborghini", "beans"];
    inline.log("Select something: ");
    const selection2 = await printer.readSelectionListed(list2);
    printer.warn("You entered: %s", list2[selection2]);

✨ Utilities ✨

printer.print("Hello, world!"); // No substitution or formatting will be used and won't break line.

printer.printLine("Hello, world!"); // No substitution or formatting will be used and will break line.
printer.println("Hello, world!");

printer.println(printer.substitute("Hello,%c world!", "color: red")); // Manual substitution

printer.print("Hello! You!")
printer.backspace(5); // Erases 5 characters from the text written.
printer.cursorUp(5); // Moves 5 up.
printer.cursorRight(5); // Moves 5 right
printer.cursorDown(5); // Moves 5 down
printer.cursorLeft(5); // Moves 5 left

printer.clear(); // Clears the console (it's not included in the screenshot)

✨ Fast Styling ✨

  • NOTE: This feature is disabled by default! This first line will enable it:
printer.options.styleSubstitutionsEnabled = true;
    "&0This is black",
    "&1This is blue",
    "&2This is green",
    "&3This is cyan",
    "&4This is red",
    "&5This is purple",
    "&6This is gold",
    "&7This is gray",
    "&8This is bold gray",
    "&9This is light blue",
    "&aThis is light green",
    "&bThis is cyan",
    "&cThis is light red",
    "&dThis is pink",
    "&eThis is yellow",
    "&fThis is white",
    "&lThis is bold",
    "&mThis is strike-through",
    "&nThis is underlined",
    "&oThis is italic",
    "&rThis will reset the styling",
    "&tBack to the 'info' tag's text color"

printer.addStyle("h", "color: red; background: yellow");"my own styling starts &hnow! yay!");

✨ Presets ✨

✨ Inline Preset ✨

This preset basically stops putting a line break at the end of logs.

Can be achieved by doing printer.options.newLine = false or just using the existing preset:

const {inline} = printer;

inline.log("Hello, ");

✨ Raw Preset ✨

This preset basically removes tags, dates and time from the format.

Can be achieved by doing printer.setFormat("%text") or just using the existing preset:

const {raw} = printer;

raw.log("Hello, world!");
raw.log("%cNeeds some coloring!", "color: red");

✨ Brackets Preset ✨

This preset is a custom preset requested by a user.

Can be achieved by using the preset:

const {brackets} = printer;

brackets.error("An error occurred!");
brackets.warn("Something might go wrong!");"This is a message!");
brackets.debug("Check the line 5!");
brackets.notice("Attention please!");
brackets.log("An original log!");
brackets.ready("I am ready!");
brackets.assert(5 % 2 === 0, "5 is not divisible by 2!");

🌟 HTML Preset 🌟

This preset is for web.

Makes the log result a html content and puts it into the document.

    const {html} = printer;


    html.error("An error occurred!");
    html.warn("Something might go wrong!");"This is a message!");
    html.debug("Check the line 5!");
    html.notice("Attention please!");
    html.log("An original log!");
    html.ready("I am ready!");
    html.assert(5 % 2 === 0, "5 is not divisible by 2!");

    html.options.htmlOut = a => printer.warning(a);

    printer.notice("^^^ The text up there has been logged by using html.options.htmlOut! ^^^");

✨ Logging Options ✨

Key Default Expected type Description
format %date %time %tag %text string The formatting
substitutionsEnabled true boolean Whether the substitutions should work
styleSubstitutionsEnabled false boolean Whether the color substitutions should work
componentsEnabled true boolean Whether the components should work
newLine true boolean Whether the logger should print the text with a line break at the end
namespace "" string The text for %namespace tag
stylingEnabled true boolean Whether the stylings like colors or decorations should work
stdout null WriteStream or null The main output stream for the printer
stdin null ReadStream or null The main input stream for the printer
htmlOut null Element or Function or null If it's an element, adds to that element's innerHTML. If it's a function runs it.
alwaysRGB false boolean Whether basic colors should be processed as RGBs.
paletteName "default" string The custom palette's name.
disabledTags [] string[] The tags that won't be handled.
defaultBackgroundColor None Color(string) The default text background color for the printer
tagColor None Color(string) The default text color for the tags
tagBold true boolean Whether the tag component is bold or not
tagItalic false boolean Whether the tag component is italic or not
tagUnderline false boolean Whether the tag component is underlined or not
tagStrikethrough false boolean Whether the tag component is struck-through or not
tagPadding 2 number The padding of the tag component
dateColor None Color(string) The text color of the date component
dateBackgroundColor blueBright Color(string) The text background color of the date
dateBold true boolean Whether the date component is bold or not
dateItalic false boolean Whether the date component is italic or not
dateUnderline false boolean Whether the date component is underlined or not
dateStrikethrough false boolean Whether the date component is struck-through or not
datePadding 1 number The padding of the date component
dateOptions.localeMatcher undefined "best fit" or "lookup" or undefined Docs
dateOptions.weekday undefined "long" or "short" or "narrow" or undefined Docs
dateOptions.era undefined "long" or "short" or "narrow" or undefined Docs
dateOptions.year undefined "numeric" or "2-digit" or undefined Docs
dateOptions.month "short" "numeric" or "2-digit" or "long" or "short" or "narrow" or undefined Docs "numeric" "numeric" or "2-digit" or undefined Docs
dateOptions.hour undefined "numeric" or "2-digit" or undefined Docs
dateOptions.minute undefined "numeric" or "2-digit" or undefined Docs
dateOptions.second undefined "numeric" or "2-digit" or undefined Docs
dateOptions.timeZoneName undefined "short" or "long" or "shortOffset" or "longOffset" or "shortGeneric" or "longGeneric" or undefined Docs
dateOptions.formatMatcher undefined "best fit" or "basic" or undefined Docs
dateOptions.hour12 undefined boolean or undefined Docs
dateOptions.timeZone undefined string or undefined Docs
timeColor None Color(string) The text color of the time component
timeBackgroundColor blue Color(string) The text background color of the time
timeBold true boolean Whether the time component is bold or not
timeItalic false boolean Whether the time component is italic or not
timeUnderline false boolean Whether the time component is underlined or not
timeStrikethrough false boolean Whether the time component is struck-through or not
timePadding 1 number The padding of the time component
timeDate false boolean Whether the time component has the date in it
timeHour true boolean Whether the time component has the hours in it
timeMinute true boolean Whether the time component has the minutes in it
timeSecond true boolean Whether the time component has the seconds in it
timeMillisecond false boolean Whether the time component has the milliseconds in it
timeMillisecondLength 3 number The maximum length of the millisecond part of the time component
uptimeColor None Color(string) The text color of the uptime component
uptimeBackgroundColor blue Color(string) The text background color of the uptime
uptimeBold true boolean Whether the uptime component is bold or not
uptimeItalic false boolean Whether the uptime component is italic or not
uptimeUnderline false boolean Whether the uptime component is underlined or not
uptimeStrikethrough false boolean Whether the uptime component is struck-through or not
uptimePadding 1 number The padding of the uptime component
uptimeDate false boolean Whether the uptime component has the date in it
uptimeHour true boolean Whether the uptime component has the hours in it
uptimeMinute true boolean Whether the uptime component has the minutes in it
uptimeSecond true boolean Whether the uptime component has the seconds in it
uptimeMillisecond true boolean Whether the uptime component has the milliseconds in it
uptimeMillisecondLength 2 number The maximum length of the millisecond part of the uptime component
groupColor None Color(string) The text color of the group
groupBackgroundColor None Color(string) The text background color of the group
namespaceColor None Color(string) The text color of the namespace component
namespaceBackgroundColor blue Color(string) The text background color of the namespace
namespaceBold true boolean Whether the namespace component is bold or not
namespaceItalic false boolean Whether the namespace component is italic or not
namespaceUnderline false boolean Whether the namespace component is underlined or not
namespaceStrikethrough false boolean Whether the namespace component is struck-through or not
namespacePadding 1 number The padding of the namespace component
filenameColor None Color(string) The text color of the filename component
filenameBackgroundColor blue Color(string) The text background color of the filename
filenameBold true boolean Whether the filename component is bold or not
filenameItalic false boolean Whether the filename component is italic or not
filenameUnderline false boolean Whether the filename component is underlined or not
filenameStrikethrough false boolean Whether the filename component is struck-through or not
filenamePadding 1 number The padding of the filename component
lineColor None Color(string) The text color of the line component
lineBackgroundColor blue Color(string) The text background color of the line
lineBold true boolean Whether the line component is bold or not
lineItalic false boolean Whether the line component is italic or not
lineUnderline false boolean Whether the line component is underlined or not
lineStrikethrough false boolean Whether the line component is struck-through or not
linePadding 1 number The padding of the line component
columnColor None Color(string) The text color of the column component
columnBackgroundColor blue Color(string) The text background color of the column
columnBold true boolean Whether the column component is bold or not
columnItalic false boolean Whether the column component is italic or not
columnUnderline false boolean Whether the column component is underlined or not
columnStrikethrough false boolean Whether the column component is struck-through or not
columnPadding 1 number The padding of the column component
stackColor None Color(string) The text color of the stack component
stackBackgroundColor blue Color(string) The text background color of the stack
stackBold true boolean Whether the stack component is bold or not
stackItalic false boolean Whether the stack component is italic or not
stackUnderline false boolean Whether the stack component is underlined or not
stackStrikethrough false boolean Whether the stack component is struck-through or not
stackPadding 1 number The padding of the stack component


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