
4.0.1 • Public • Published

Centralize the build process for Node.js, JS and TypeScript projects into a single tool suite.


Using this tool suite, you can:

  • Parse TypeScript into JS distribution files
  • Create formatted distribution files to be used in a node / commonjs environment.
  • Bundle your distribution files to be used in a browser environment.
  • Run tests and watch for changes.
  • Generate jsdoc readme files.


In your project's root directory, run: npm install --save-dev gulp js-build-tools (or yarn add --dev gulp js-build-tools if you use Yarn).

It is recommended to install gulp with the -g flag, so that you can run it with gulp instead of node_modules/.bin/gulp.


In your project's root directory, create a build-tools.config.json file. This can contain any of the following (values provided are the defaults):

  "browser": {
    // 'true' to generate browser bundled files; 'false' for node environment only
    "enabled": true,
    // The name to use for the browser-bundled output file (.js will be appended).
    "name": "my-package",
    // The search pattern used for retrieving compiled distribution files.
    "from": "dist/**/*.js",
    // The output directory for browser-bundled files.
    "to": "browser"
  // The paths for directories to delete before build.
  "cleanPaths": [
  "dist": {
    // Name of the entry the distribution file.
    "main": "dist/main",
    // The search pattern used for gathering source files for distribution.
    "from": "src/**/!(*.test).js",
    // The output directory for the distribution files.
    "to": "dist"
  "fonts": {
    // Toggle copy directory of fonts on
    "enabled": false,
    // Path to search for fonts
    "from": "src/fonts/**/*",
    // Path to output fonts
    "to": "browser/fonts"
  "images": {
    // Toggle image minify and copy process
    "enabled": false,
    // Path to search for images
    "from": "src/img/**/*.+(png|jpg|jpeg|gif|svg)",
    // Path to output images
    "to": "browser/img"
  "readme": {
    // The file which will be pre-fixed to your README.md output.
    "template": "MAIN.md",
    // Options for formatting the output readme.
    "options": "utf8",
    // The name of the output documentation markdown file.
    "file": "README.md",
    // Location of files to use for compiling documentation into the readme.
    "from": [
    // The directory to output the readme file in.
    "to": "./"
  // Base directory of the project.
  "rootPath": "./",
  "sass": {
    // Toggle SASS to CSS process on.
    "enabled": false,
    // The pattern for finding all sass files.
    "from": "sass/**/*.+(scss|sass)",
    // The directory were sass files will be stored.
    "path": "sass",
    // The destination path for where generated CSS (from SASS files) should go.
    "to": "browser/css"
  // The directory where your source files are stored (the files you manually created).
  "srcPath": "src",
  "test": {
    // Additional flags for programmatically running Jest Cli.
    "options": null,
    // The directory where Jest test files are stored.
    // By default, stored as *.test.js adjacent to the files they are testing.
    "path": [
    // The search pattern for watching files for changes.
    "watch": "src/**/*.js"
  "typescript": {
    // The path the tsconfig file for running typescript or false if no ts file given.
    "config": false,
    // Toggle usage of typescript parsing.
    "enabled": false,
    // Pattern for finding the TypeScript files.
    "from": "src/**/*.ts",
    // Directory where parsed typescript files go.
    "to": "dist"

Create your local gulpfile.js

In your project's root directory, create a gulpfile.js file, in here you can require any of the functions you need. For example:

Common JS

// Your local gulpfile.js
const {
} = require('js-build-tools')

// Everything you export will be created as a gulp task.
// You can build your own tasks here as well by using some of the functions `js-build-tools/functions`.
// You can list your available tasks by running `gulp --tasks`.
exports.build = build
exports.default = defaultCmd
exports.readme = readme
exports.sass = sass
exports.testFull = testFull
exports.testQuick = testQuick
exports.watchFull = watchFull
exports.watchTest = watchTest

ES Module

// Your local gulpfile.mjs
// Everything you export will be created as a gulp task.
export {
} from 'js-build-tools'

// You can build your own tasks here as well by using some of the functions `js-build-tools/functions`.
// You can list your available tasks by running `gulp --tasks`.

Verify your tasks are available by running gulp --tasks.

Configure Babel

Depending on how you wrote your test files, Jest may require some Babel configuration. Create a babel.config.js file in the root directory of your project. You can then use the recommended configuration by requiring the babel.config.js file into your own configuration file. Example:

const babelConfig = require('js-build-tools/babel.config')
// You may add additional configuration here. Example: babelConfig.presets.push('@babel/preset-env')
module.exports = babelConfig

Configure ES Modules (.mjs)

It is not recommended to use "type": "module" in the package.json to enable ES Modules. This is because some dependencies still rely on common JS syntax (ex: babel, jest, jsdoc). So, to use ES Modules, you can use the .mjs extension on your files instead. There are different downsides to using the .mjs extension to consider. The jsdoc generation can only read .js files, and the provided test runner Jest will need to be configured. Update the test config as follows:

  "dist": {
    // Use .mjs files for from and main
    "main": "src/main.mjs",
    "from": "src/**/!(*.test).mjs",
    "to": "dist"
  "readme": {
    "template": "MAIN.md",
    "options": "utf8",
    "toFile": "README.md",
    "from": [
      // Use the dist directory files to generate the jsdocs
    "to": "./"
  "test": {
    "options": {
      // The below helps to find the .mjs files (rather than default .js files)
      "testMatch": [
    "path": "functions",
    // Include watching for .mjs files
    "watch": "functions/**/*.[cm]?[jt]s"

There is an additional file you need to get Jest working, add a jest.config.js file. While we have already added these configurations above in the "options", there seems to be a bug where the "transform" does not work in that context. Add the following to your jest.config.js:

module.exports = {
  // The transform will instruct jest to run the files through babel so it can interpret them
  transform: {
    '^.+\\.[cm]?[jt]sx?$': 'babel-jest'

Configure HTML JS Documentation (optional)

It may be desirable to generate HTML documentation for your JS files.

Create a .jsdoc.conf.js file and add the following:

const jsDocBase = require('js-build-tools/jsdoc.base')
/* You will get a jsdoc config object with the following:
 * {
 *    plugins: ['plugins/markdown'],
 *    source: {
 *      include: [your configured distPath],
 *      includePattern: '.+\\.js(doc|x)?$',
 *      excludePattern: '((^|\\/|\\\\)_|.+\\.test\\..*)'
 *    }
 *  }
 * You can manipulate the properties before returning in module.exports.
 * This searches the defined 'distPath' for building the HTML JS Documentation
module.exports = jsDocBase

Configure move fonts (optional)

Be able to copy a source directory of fonts into the distribution path.

Add the following to the exports in your build-tools.config.json:

  "fonts": {
    // Enable fonts process
    "enabled": false,
    // Search pattern to find your font files
    "from": "src/fonts/**/*",
    // Output directory for your font files
    "to": "browser/fonts"

Configure move and minify images (optional)

Be able to copy and reduce the file size of images into an output path.

Add the following to the exports in your build-tools.config.json:

  "images": {
    // Enable image process
    "enabled": false,
    // Search pattern to find your images
    "from": "src/img/**/*.+(png|jpg|jpeg|gif|svg)",
    // Output directory for your images files
    "to": "browser/img"

Configure SASS (optional)

SASS support is built-in, this enables conversion of SASS files to CSS for web projects.

Add the following to the exports in your build-tools.config.json:

  "sass": {
    // Enable SASS process
    "enabled": false,
    // Search pattern to find your SASS files (the below would be files ending in .scss or .sass in a directory called 'sass')
    "from": "sass/**/*.+(scss|sass)",
    // Optional but nice to add (future support), add the directory where your sass files exist
    "path": "sass",
    // Output directory for your compiled css files, recommend css directory within your browser output directory
    "to": "browser/css"

Configure TypeScript (optional)

Create a tsconfig.json file in your project root with the following:

  "files": [
  "compilerOptions": {
    "noImplicitAny": true,
    "target": "es6",
    "moduleResolution": "node",
    "declaration": true

The pattern for "files" should match your .ts files, but the essential thing is that it is wrapped in an array. The actual pattern used comes from build-tools.config.json as 'typescript.from' setting. To create the ts declaration files, you must add the "declaration": true.

Add the following to the exports in your build-tools.config.json:

  "readme": {
    // Location of files to use for compiling documentation into the readme.
    "from": "dist/**/!(*.min).js"
  "typescript": {
    // The path the tsconfig file for running typescript or false if no ts file given.
    "config": "tsconfig.json",
    // Toggle usage of typescript parsing
    "enabled": true,
    // Pattern for finding the TypeScript files
    "from": "src/**/*.ts",
    // Directory where parsed typescript files go
    "to": "dist"

The js-to-markdown only works on .js files, so we run the readme search on the built dist files. Also, we want to register the tsconfig.json we created earlier and will alter the processes to build for TypeScript.

Update babel.config.js with the following:

const babelConfig = require('js-build-tools/babel.config')
// This is the important line, we need to add compatibility for Jest to run tests on .ts files
module.exports = babelConfig

Configure Scripts

In your package.json file, add the following scripts:

  "scripts": {
    "build": "gulp build",
    "dev": "gulp",
    "htmldocs": "jsdoc -R MAIN.md -c ./.jsdoc.conf.js -d docs",
    "readme": "gulp readme",
    "sass": "gulp sass",
    "test": "gulp testFull",
    "test:quick": "gulp testQuick",
    "watch": "gulp watchFull",
    "watch:test": "gulp watchTest"


Run any of the above commands with gulp or npm run.

Available functions documentation



Export these functions to your own project to customize your build pipeline.


Modify these configurations to match your project specifications.


Export these functions to your own project to customize your build pipeline.

Version: 3.0.0
Author: Joshua Heagle joshuaheagle@gmail.com


Modify these configurations to match your project specifications.

Version: 3.0.0
Author: Joshua Heagle joshuaheagle@gmail.com

gulpConfig.get(path, defaultValue) ⇒ * | null

Retrieve a value from the configurations, default may be returned.

Kind: static method of gulpConfig

Param Type Default
path string | null null
defaultValue *

gulpConfig.set(path, value) ⇒ *

Specify a value for the configurations to use.

Kind: static method of gulpConfig


gulpConfig~ArrayableSetting : Array.<string> | string

A setting that may be an array of strings or a string only.

Kind: inner typedef of gulpConfig

gulpConfig~BooleanSetting : boolean

A setting that may be true or false.

Kind: inner typedef of gulpConfig

gulpConfig~FlagStringSetting : false | StringSetting

A setting that may be flag 'false' or provide a StringSetting

Kind: inner typedef of gulpConfig

gulpConfig~FlagsSetting : Object.<string, BooleanSetting>

An object of boolean settings used as flags.

Kind: inner typedef of gulpConfig

gulpConfig~JestTestFlags : FlagsSetting

Configure cli options for running Jest.

Kind: inner typedef of gulpConfig

Name Type
clearCache BooleanSetting
debug BooleanSetting
ignoreProjects: BooleanSetting
json BooleanSetting
selectProjects BooleanSetting
showConfig BooleanSetting
useStderr BooleanSetting
watch BooleanSetting
watchAll BooleanSetting

gulpConfig~StringSetting : string

A setting that may only be a string.

Kind: inner typedef of gulpConfig

gulpConfig~Setting : ArrayableSetting | BooleanSetting | FlagsSetting | StringSetting

Any single configuration option is a Setting.

Kind: inner typedef of gulpConfig

gulpConfig~BrowserConfig : Object.<string, Setting>

Configurations for building the browser files.

Kind: inner typedef of gulpConfig

Name Type Description
enabled BooleanSetting 'true' to generate browser bundled files; 'false' for node environment only
from StringSetting The name to use for the browser-bundled output file (.js will be appended).
name StringSetting The search pattern used for retrieving compiled distribution files.
to StringSetting The output directory for browser-bundled files.

gulpConfig~DistConfig : Object.<string, Setting>

Configurations for building the node distribution files.

Kind: inner typedef of gulpConfig

Name Type Description
from StringSetting The search pattern used for gathering source files for distribution.
main StringSetting Name of the entry the distribution file.
to StringSetting The output directory for the distribution files.

gulpConfig~FontConfig : Object.<string, Setting>

Configurations for copying the font files.

Kind: inner typedef of gulpConfig

Name Type Description
enabled BooleanSetting Toggle copy directory of fonts on.
from StringSetting Path to search for fonts.
to StringSetting Path to output fonts.

gulpConfig~ImageConfig : Object.<string, Setting>

Configurations to minify and copy the images.

Kind: inner typedef of gulpConfig

Name Type Description
enabled BooleanSetting Toggle image minify and copy process.
from StringSetting Path to search for images.
to StringSetting Path to output images.

gulpConfig~ReadmeConfig : Object.<string, Setting>

Configurations to compile and generate the Readme file.

Kind: inner typedef of gulpConfig

Name Type Description
file StringSetting The name of the output documentation markdown file.
from StringSetting Location of files to use for compiling documentation into the readme.
options ArrayableSetting Options for formatting the output readme.
template StringSetting The file which will be pre-fixed to your README.md output.
to StringSetting The directory to output the readme file in.

gulpConfig~SassConfig : Object.<string, Setting>

Configurations to compile and copy the sass files into css.

Kind: inner typedef of gulpConfig

Name Type Description
enabled BooleanSetting Toggle SASS to CSS process on.
from StringSetting The pattern for finding all sass files.
path StringSetting The directory were sass files will be stored.
to StringSetting The destination path for where generated CSS (from SASS files) should go.

gulpConfig~TestConfig : Object.<string, Setting>

Configurations for running the test suite.

Kind: inner typedef of gulpConfig

Name Type Description
options JestTestFlags Additional flags for programmatically running Jest Cli.
path ArrayableSetting The directory where Jest test files are stored. By default, stored as *.test.js adjacent to the files they are testing.
watch ArrayableSetting The search pattern for watching files for changes.

gulpConfig~TsConfig : Object.<string, Setting>

Configurations for compiling typescript into JS files.

Kind: inner typedef of gulpConfig

Name Type Description
config FlagStringSetting The path the tsconfig file for running typescript or false if no ts file given.
enabled BooleanSetting Toggle usage of typescript parsing.
from StringSetting Pattern for finding the TypeScript files.
to StringSetting Directory where parsed typescript files go.

gulpConfig~Configurations : Object.<string, Setting>

A set of Configurations options defined by Settings.

Kind: inner typedef of gulpConfig

Name Type Description
browser BrowserConfig Browser bundling configuration group.
cleanPaths ArrayableSetting The paths for directories to delete before build.
dist DistConfig Distribution file generation configuration group.
fonts FontConfig Fonts copy configuration group.
images ImageConfig Minify and copy the images configuration.
readme ReadmeConfig Build readme files configuration.
rootPath StringSetting Base directory of the project.
sass SassConfig Compile CSS from SASS configuration.
srcPath StringSetting The directory where your source files are stored (the files you manually created).
test TestConfig Run test suite configuration.
typescript TsConfig Compile from typescript configuration.


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  • jheagle