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Dataclick Olimpo ☀️JuNeDNS Server Safe, Lightweight and Full DNS Server ideal for single or hosting servers https://www.junedns.com

☀️JuNeDNS Server

🌐 Full DNS Server for single or hosting multi-domains

JuNeDNS Server is a lightweight DNS authoritative and recursive server created in Node.js with a fully functionality and easy installation and use. 10 Kb

  • Use a MySQL/MariaDB database to store information about your domains and records.
  • UDP/TCP compatible (port 53), DNS-over-TLS (DoT) and DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH).
  • Let´s Encrypt API to create/renew SSL certificates.
  • Auto restart DoT/DoH on certificates renew.
  • Dynamic IP to a static host (No-IP).
  • Maybe used as general DNS server forwarding resolve requests if domain is not hosted.
  • Binaries compiled (x64 bits) for: 🐧Linux, 🪟 Windows and 🍎MacOS.
  • DNSSEC, DKIM, DMARC and service running in IPv4/IPv6 in PRO version.
  • Use JuNeDNS Backend & JuNeDNS Frontend & JuNeDNS No-IP for a whole DNS solution.

Why JuNeDNS Server?

✔ All DNS server features that a DNS server requires. ✔ Safe, lightweight, and easy installation. ✔ Detailed information about JuNeDNS functionallity. ✔ All about domains DNS service/protocol knowledge you need are here in this documentation. ✔ Support for IDN (internationalized domain name) for non-ASCII characters (coding in Punycode). ✔ You don´t need anything else in a DNS server system (protocols/records that really unused, bloatware). ✔ So, perfect for advanced or beginners SysAdmins. ✔ Just insert domains and records into database without restart DNS service. ✔ Forget about complicated text config files for DNS zones. ✔ Control Your DNS directly in Your server. ✔ Do not depend on external DNS like Cloudflare that can be attacked and disabled, or with security issues like Authenticated Origin Pulls, causing your domains not to resolve for a while - Downdetector.


Eduardo Ruiz <eruiz@dataclick.es>

JuNe / JUst NEeded Philosophy

  1. Source code using less code as possible So you can understand code and find bugs easier.
  2. Few and optimized lines is better Elegant design.
  3. Avoid external dependences abuse/bloated, and possible third-party bugs Less files size, better and faster to the interpreter.
  4. Clear and useful documentation with examples and without verbose Get to the point.
  5. Avoid showing unsolicited popups, notifications or messages in frontend For better User eXperience.
  6. Simple UI, without many menus/options and with few clicks to get to sites.
  7. Consequences of having a lot of code (and for simple things): Having to work and search through many files and folders with a lot of wasted time, successive errors due to missing unknown files, madness to move a code to another project, errors due to recursive dependencies difficult to locate, complexity or impossibility to migrate to new versions, unfeasibility to follow the trace with so much code, risk of new errors if the functionality is extended, problems not seen at the first sight, general slowness in the whole development due to excessive and unnecessary code.

Have a look to JuNe BackServer in Backend.


1. Create MySQL/MariaDB database

USE junedns;
  • With only ´localhost´ instead ´%´ we ensure access only from the same computer.

👉 And create tables using mysql.sql

2. Create config file

File junedns.conf

// Protocols

// Database

// Verbose logs in JuNeDNS_PATH/junedns.log
// 0=None, 1=Errors, 2=All (3=debug)

// Main domain for PTR, and DNSSEC (PRO version)

// Server public IP address for PTR and backend

// DNS-over-TLS (DoT)

// DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH)

// Forward resolve requests if domain is not hosted

// -- Only PRO version --

// For backend

Changes requires restart JuNeDNS Server / You need root privileges for installation.

  • 🐧Linux: For security reasons limit file access with chmod 600 junedns.conf

Important variables to be setted are mysql_ and ipv4 / ipv6

BEWARE! Setting forward=true your server maybe attacked using open DNS resolver vulnerability.

forward_pri_ipv4 / forward_sec_ipv4 public primary and secondary DNS server addresses to resolve external domains, in Linux you can use same as /etc/resolv.conf, (not very necessary to use forward IPv6):

DNS server: Primary IPv4 Secondary IPv4 Primary IPv6 Secondary IPv6
Google 2001:4860:4860::8888 2001:4860:4860::8844
Quad9 2620:fe::fe 2620:fe::9
OpenDNS 2620:0:ccc::2 2620:0:ccd::2
Cloudflare 2606:4700:4700::1111 2606:4700:4700::1001
Alternate DNS 2602:fcbc::ad 2602:fcbc:2::ad

Or have a look to https://public-dns.info

3 Running

Run JuNeDNS Server using Node.js with source code or from binary:

3.1 Running from Node.js with source code

Download or clone this repository. Install dependencies npm install (JuNe 1 dependence: MySQL).

Requirements node.js and Node Package Manager (NPM).

  • Running from command line (for example to debug) -node server.js or npm start

  • Running as service

    • 🐧Linux:

      • Create or copy config file junedns.conf in the same folder and chmod 600.
      • Create or copy Systemctl service junedns.service in folder /etc/systemd/system or /usr/lib/systemd/system use ExecStart Source code execution line and adjust path if necessary.
      • Enable and start service systemctl enable junedns.service && systemctl start junedns.service check if running systemctl status junedns.service
    • 🪟 Windows:

      • Create or copy config file junedns.conf in the same folder and set correctly PATHs.
      • Create service sc create "JuNeDNS Server" binPath="NodeJS_PATH\node JuNeDNS_PATH\server.js" start with net start "JuNeDNS Server"

3.2 Running from binaries (x64 bits)

Download and decompress your version: 🐧Linux (20 Mb), 🪟 Windows (16 Mb) or 🍎MacOS (20 Mb). Create junedns.conf

  • Running from command line (for example to debug with log=3) -./junedns or junedns

  • Running as service

    • 🐧Linux:

      • Create a folder such as /etc/junedns mkdir /etc/junedns and copy file in it.
      • Add executable permission chmod +x /etc/junedns/junedns
      • Create or copy config file junedns.conf in the same folder /etc/junedns/junedns.conf and chmod 600.
      • Create or copy Systemctl service junedns.service in folder /etc/systemd/system or /usr/lib/systemd/system use ExecStart Binary execution line and adjust path if necessary.
      • Enable and start service systemctl enable junedns.service && systemctl start junedns.service check if running systemctl status junedns.service
    • 🪟 Windows:

      • Create a folder with permissions such as C:\Users\[USER]\AppData\Roaming\JuNeDNS and copy file in it.
      • Create or copy config file junedns.conf in the same folder C:\Users\[USER]\AppData\Roaming\JuNeDNS\junedns.conf
      • Create service sc create "JuNeDNS Server" binPath="C:\Users\[USER]\AppData\Roaming\JuNeDNS\junedns.exe" start with net start "JuNeDNS Server"

🐧Linux: Uncomment the ExecStart line you need for junedns.service

Description=JuNeDNS Server

# Select only 1 ExecStart
#ExecStart=/etc/junedns/junedns							#Binary execution
#ExecStart=/usr/bin/node /etc/junedns/server.js	#Source code execution


4. Insert domains and records

  • Do not end records names with a dot, or use @ such as bind/named
  • JuNeDNS considers Root Zone the Second-level domain (SLD or 2LD).
  • Domain/Records names must be Punycode if name contains special characters, such as accents. Punycode encoding converter: https://www.punycoder.com (not necessary if using backend).
  • MX (Mail eXchange) records must point to an A/AAAA record with an IP, not to a CNAME because some providers consider this as spam senders.
  • Using IPv6 gives a touch of quality, configure your server that way or request an IPv6 address to your hosting provider. Then you must repeat each A record with it´s equivalent AAAA IPv6 address.
  • If IP server is:, then reversed PTR record is IPv6 performed in the same reversing way ending with ip6.arpa
  • For the following example:
    • nsdomain.tld Main domain where NS point to.
    • info@nsdomain.tld Main domain Email address (@ changed by dot).
INSERT INTO domains SET id=1, name='mydomain.tld';

INSERT INTO records SET domain_id=1, name='mydomain.tld', type='SOA', content='ns1.nsdomain.tld info.nsdomain.tld 3 10380 3600 604800 3600';
INSERT INTO records SET domain_id=1, name='mydomain.tld', type='A', content='';
INSERT INTO records SET domain_id=1, name='mydomain.tld', type='AAAA', content='i:want:an:ipv6:address:so:change:me';
INSERT INTO records SET domain_id=1, name='mydomain.tld', type='NS', content='ns1.nsdomain.tld';
INSERT INTO records SET domain_id=1, name='mydomain.tld', type='NS', content='ns2.nsdomain.tld';
INSERT INTO records SET domain_id=1, name='www.mydomain.tld', type='CNAME', content='mydomain.tld';
INSERT INTO records SET domain_id=1, name='mydomain.tld', type='MX', content='mail.mydomain.tld 10';
INSERT INTO records SET domain_id=1, name='mail.mydomain.tld', type='A', content='';
INSERT INTO records SET domain_id=1, name='mail.mydomain.tld', type='AAAA', content='i:want:an:ipv6:address:so:change:me';
INSERT INTO records SET domain_id=1, name='mydomain.tld', type='TXT', content='v=spf1 mx -all';

PTR record

You should add a PTR record for the server main_domain reverse lookup specified in junedns.conf and containing hostname of the machine with the main domain.

INSERT INTO records SET domain_id=1, name='maindomain.tld', type='PTR', content='hostname.maindomain.tld';

SPF (Sender Policy Framework)

Standard record that lists all authorized servers to send Emails in the domain to avoid spoofing attacks:

INSERT INTO records SET domain_id=1, name='mydomain.tld', type='TXT', content='v=spf1 mx -all';
-all Fails authentication
~all Softfails authentication
+all Passes authentication
?all Neutral
Service SPF record
Google Workspace v=spf1 a mx include:_spf.google.com ~all
Microsoft Exchange v=spf1 include:spf.protection.outlook.com -all
Mailchimp v=spf1 include:spf.mandrillapp.com ?all

MX records for Google Workspace

INSERT INTO records SET domain_id=1, name='mydomain.tld', type='MX', content='aspmx.l.google.com 1';
INSERT INTO records SET domain_id=1, name='mydomain.tld', type='MX', content='alt1.aspmx.l.google.com 5';
INSERT INTO records SET domain_id=1, name='mydomain.tld', type='MX', content='alt2.aspmx.l.google.com 5';
INSERT INTO records SET domain_id=1, name='mydomain.tld', type='MX', content='alt3.aspmx.l.google.com 10';
INSERT INTO records SET domain_id=1, name='mydomain.tld', type='MX', content='alt4.aspmx.l.google.com 10';

DKIM record sample

Available in PRO version, automatically added.

INSERT INTO records SET domain_id=1, name='auth._domainkey.mydomain.tld', type='TXT', content='v=DKIM1; h=rsa-sha256; k=rsa; p=DKIM_KEY_HERE';

DMARC record

INSERT INTO records SET domain_id=1, name='_dmarc.mydomain.tld', type='TXT', content='v=DMARC1; p=reject; pct=100';

p=Policy: reject, none (no action) or quarantine (move to junk/spam Email folder).

5. Test

  • Make a test by performing a DNS lookup using local address where JuNeDNS Server is running (
nslookup command Function
nslookup mydomain.tld General domain test A/AAAA
nslookup -type=soa mydomain.tld For SOA record
nslookup -debug -type=a mydomain.tld For A record and show detailed debug
  • Or use more complete dig installing for Linux or Windows:
dig command Function
dig @ A mydomain.tld For A record
dig @ A +dnssec mydomain.tld Requesting A with DNSSEC

About Internet new protocols

Implementation of new Internet protocols is a hard way, because all systems have the original protocols first, and new ones are not usually adapted, and unable to replace them. We can see many examples such as IPv6, HTTP/2, HTTP/3 Quic, DNSSEC (neither Google or Microsoft use it), DoT or DoH...

The new protocols: DoT (DNS-over-TLS) and DoH (DNS-over-HTTPS) proposed at Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) to encrypt DNS traffic, to prevent eavesdropping and manipulation of DNS data via man-in-the-middle attacks. But since UDP is the main DNS protocol, it´s not recommended to disable it and enable only the new ones protocols for backwards reasons and to avoid to be unreachable, you must combine them. Therefore, using it is more exotic than functional.

DNS-over-TLS (DoT)

Encrypts DNS traffic queries through the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol on port 853. Set protocol_dot=true, dot_key and dot_cert (Let´s Encrypt) certificates paths in junedns.conf

DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH)

Encrypts DNS traffic queries through a Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure encrypted session (HTTPS) on port 443 and endpoint: /dns-query Set protocol_doh=true, doh_key and doh_cert (Let´s Encrypt) certificates paths in junedns.conf Example:


If you have conflicts with port 443 (HTTPS) due to a Web server service running in the same machine like Nginx, then you can proxy DoH port from an available free doh_port=8085 to 443, and empty values for doh_cert / doh_key to force JuNeDNS Server to run DoH in HTTP mode (so SSL certificate through Nginx):


Nginx config:

server {
	listen		443 ssl;
	listen		[::]:443 ssl; #http3?
	server_name	mydomain.tld;

	ssl_certificate		ACME_PATH/mydomain.tld/fullchain.cer;
	ssl_certificate_key	ACME_PATH/mydomain.tld/mydomain.tld.key;
	ssl_protocols			TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3;

	location / {
		proxy_set_header	X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
		proxy_set_header	Host $http_host;

With this technique you could combine your Website and DoH in the same server with location /dns-query Test it (to output file): curl -H "accept: application/dns-json" "" --output file.bin


Available in PRO version, dnssec=true in junedns.conf Domain Name System Security Extensions, provides cryptographic authentication of DNS records, according to RFC 4035, with Authenticated Data (AD) and Checking Disabled (CD) flags on header. ZSK (Zone Signing Keys) and KSK (Key Signing Keys) private and public DNSSEC keys will be created and inserted into database automatically on the first resolve request. DS, DNSKEY and RRSIGs records are dynamically generated by JuNeDNS Server, so they don´t appear in records database table.

  • Show RRSIG record using dig @ A +dnssec mydomain.tld
mydomain.tld.        3600    IN  A
mydomain.tld.        3600    IN  RRSIG   A 8 2 3600 20230715080515 20230615080515 50238 mydomain.tld. DAtckAl17....
  • Show DNSKEYs records using dig @ DNSKEY +multi mydomain.tld
  • Show DS (Delegation Signer) records using dig @ DS mydomain.tld


Available in PRO version. Domain Keys Identified Mail, for Email authentication with digital signature to prevent spoofing, phishing and spam. Install from OpenDKIM and configure it. DKIM signature and setup will be created and inserted into database automatically on the first resolve request, so it´s mandatory to config OpenDKIM path for domains, binary to GenKey, and DKIM selector (same as Selector in opendkim.conf):



Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance, protect Email from unauthorized use for Email spoofing, indicating that Emails are protected by SPF and/or DKIM.


For security, maximum log size per file will be 50 Mb or truncate.

Reading logs

Line formats in junedns.log when log=2 (or 3) in junedns.conf

  • REQ = Request, RES = Response, FWD = Forward to external DNS, ERR = Error, or NXDOMAIN. yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss [REQ|RES|FWD|ERR] IP: <ip> protocol info protocol: UDP, TCP, DoT or DoH. Sample of mydomain.tld SOA resolve Request from IP UDP (info = DNS request in JSON): 2023-06-15 09:45:05 [REQ] IP: <> UDP {"header":{"id":2,"qr":1,"opcode":0,"aa":0,"tc":0,"rd":1,"ra":0,"z":0,"ad":0,"cd":0,"rcode":0,"qdcount":1,"nscount":0,"arcount":0,"ancount":0},"questions":[{"name":"mydomain.tld","type":6,"class":1}],"answers":[],"authorities":[],"additionals":[]}
  • Response returned by JuNeDNS Server (info = TYPE NAME -> generated JSON): 2023-06-15 09:45:05 [RES] IP: <> UDP SOA mydomain.tld -> {"name":"mydomain.tld","type":6,"class":1,"ttl":259200,"primary":"ns1.nsdomain.tld","admin":"info.mydomain.tld","serial":"3","refresh":"10380","retry":"3600","expiration":"604800","minimum":"3600"}
  • Error sample if log is not 0 in junedns.conf 2023-06-15 09:45:05 [ERR] IP: <> UDP ER_BAD_DB_ERROR: Unknown database 'junedns'
  • NXDOMAIN if log is not 0 and Non-eXistent Domain: 2023-06-15 09:45:05 [NXDOMAIN] IP: <> UDP nonexistentdomain.tld This is useful if you need to prevent NXDOMAIN Flood DDoS attacks, see Fail2ban.

Rotate logs

🐧Linux: Add rotate log functionality and keep in mind that log file will be increase over time.

  • Your could change log file path to /var/log/junedns.log and changing const flog value in server.js
  • Create file /etc/logrotate.d/junedns and set correctly JuNeDNS_PATH
JuNeDNS_PATH/junedns.log {
        rotate 4
        create 600 root root

Compile JuNeDNS Server

Get executable compiled in folder dist/ (x64 bits) for: 🐧Linux, 🪟 Windows and 🍎MacOS.

  • Rename package.json to package.bak.json
  • Then rename package.compile.json to package.json to use Package your Node.js (pkg)
  • And run npm run build or by platform npm run build-linux (or build-win, build-macos)

Let´s Encrypt

Using acme.sh to create/renew SSL certificates for HTTPS, and create TXT domain challenge.

  • Copy dns_junedns.sh to folder ACME_PATH/dnsapi
  • Be sure MySQL/MariaDB client installed on server sudo apt install mariadb-client
  • Add database parameters to ACME_PATH/account.conf

Then to create a new certificate: ACME_PATH/acme.sh --issue --dns dns_junedns -d "mydomain.tld" --server letsencrypt

Let´s Encrypt is free but only 3 months validity. Add cron task to automatically renew SSL certificates: ACME_PATH/acme.sh --home "ACME_PATH" --renew-all --stopRenewOnError --server letsencrypt --cron Use --server letsencrypt to allow * wildcard domains (default ZeroSSL not supported).

✔️JuNeDNS detects if certificates are renewed (different datetime) and restarts DoT or DoH automatically.


SSL certificates are always needed from a Certification Authority entity (CA), because software like browsers require a trusted signer (we don´t know why / what exactly these entities certifies about us❓), unless you want to see the scary browser warning about ´Potential Security Risk´. If you want to generate a self-signed certificate key pair, only for testing/development purposes (not for production environments) private-key.pem and public-cert.pem:

openssl genrsa -out private-key.pem 2048
openssl req -new -key private-key.pem -out csr.pem
openssl x509 -req -in csr.pem -signkey private-key.pem -out public-cert.pem

Security issues

🛡️Just in case you want to know how apply Fail2ban and Iptables. Although no real way to protect yourself against these attacks.


If you want to prevent DDoS / brute force attacks you can use Fail2ban. Don´t forget that you may receive several resolve requests from the same IP (others DNS servers), although of different users. Set maxretry to a high value. Example for UDP:

  • Set log=2 in junedns.conf
  • Create /etc/fail2ban/jail.d/junedns.conf
enabled = true
port = dns
filter = junednsfilter
action = iptables[name=junedns, port=53, protocol=udp]
logpath = /etc/junedns/junedns.log
maxretry = 10
  • Create /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/junednsfilter.conf
failregex = ^.+IP: <HOST>.+$
ignoreregex =
  • Filter to prevent NXDOMAIN Flood DDoS attacks:
failregex = ^.+NXDOMAIN.+IP: <HOST>.+$
ignoreregex =
  • Unban IP fail2ban-client set junedns-iptables unbanip


To protect against DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks or DNS amplification DDoS attacks, you could limit rate to accept queries.

iptables -A INPUT -p udp –dport 53 -m hashlimit
–hashlimit-name DNS –hashlimit-above 20/second –hashlimit-mode srcip
–hashlimit-burst 100 –hashlimit-srcmask 28 -j DROP

JuNeDNS Backend & Frontend & No-IP

https://github.com/EduardoRuizM/junedns-backend https://github.com/EduardoRuizM/junedns-frontend https://github.com/EduardoRuizM/junedns-noip


Dataclick Olimpo JuNeDNS

  • Dataclick.es is a software development company since 2016.
  • Olimpo is a whole solution software to manage all domains services such as hosting services and to create Webs in a server.
  • JuNe / JUst NEeded Philosophy, available software and development solutions.
  • JuNeDNS is a part of Dataclick Olimpo domains management for DNS service, released to Internet community.
  • Feel free to use JuNeDNS acording MIT license respecting the brand and image logotype that you can use.

Import from PowerDNS

Using SQL sentences to export domains / records, and with access to both databases (adjust names). Truncate JuNeDNS tables to start from scratch:

DELETE FROM junedns.domains;
INSERT INTO junedns.domains (id, name, nopunycode, created)
SELECT id, name, name, CURRENT_DATE FROM powerdns.domains;

DELETE FROM junedns.records;
INSERT INTO junedns.records (domain_id, name, type, content, ttl, disabled)
SELECT domain_id, name, type, TRIM(CONCAT_WS('', content, ' ', prio)), ttl, disabled FROM powerdns.records;


File Description
lib/ Dependences classes and constants
dns_junedns.sh Let´s Encrypt API for acme.sh to create/renew SSL certificates
junedns.conf Configuration file for database, etc...
junedns.service Systemctl service for binary or source code execution
logo.png JuNeDNS Logo free to use
mysql.sql MySQL/MariaDB database tables
package.compile.json package.json file to compile binaries in folder dist/
package.json Original package.json
README.md Full guide about JuNeDNS and DNS service/protocol in markdown
server.js Lightweighted JuNeDNS Server main file, just 20 Kb (JuNe Philosophy)


JuNeDNS PowerDNS Diff %
Source Code 63 Kb 7.503 Kb 0,8 %
Files / Folders 5 / 1 663 / 35 0,7 % / 2,8 %
Compiled 50 Mb 394 Mb 13 %
Memory pmap 50 Mb 1.406.492 Kb 13 %

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  • eduardoruiz