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Example with JWT Bearer token authentication and request validation using fastest-validator

import express  from 'express'
import { JWTAuth } from 'nmicro-jwt-auth'
import { FastestValidatorAdapter } from 'nmicro-fastest-validator'
import {Router} from  'nmicro-router'

const JWT_VALIDATION_SECRET = `my-jwt-secret`
const myRouter = new Router(express.Router())
myRouter.authHandler.setAdapter(new JWTAuth()) 
myRouter.validator.setAdapter(new FastestValidatorAdapter())

const app = express()

const myFn = (req, res) =>  res.send(`Hurray! It is working`)

const validations = { name: {optional: false, type: "string", min: 4, max: 50} }
const options = { validations, auth: true }
myRouter.post('/test', myFn, options)

const port = 8081
app.listen(port, () => console.log(`App listening in port ${port}`))


Initialization with existing ExpressJS router

To initialize the router with existing expressjs router

import express  from 'express'
import {Router} from  "nmicro-router"

//Initialize with express router
const router = new Router(express.Router())
const app = express()

Create a route

//Register a route GET /my-route
router.route(`get` ,`/my-route`, (req, res, next) => {
    res.send(`Request received at route  ${req.method} my-route`)

Or shorthand notation can be used as follows

//Register a route GET /my-route
router.get(`/my-route`, (req, res, next) => {
    res.send(`Request received at route  ${req.method} my-route`)

Supported HTTP methods are get, post, put, patch, delete, head, options

For example, the following code registers a POST route.

router.post(`my-route`, (req, res, next) => {
    res.send(``Request received at route ${req.method} my-route`)

Set up authentication for a route

To enable authenticator for routes, an auth adapter needs to be set for the router.

The AuthAdapter class should be defined in such a way that, it implements an async function called authenticate.

This function will be called whenever a request is received at the route. This function should return the following object

    data: <Authentication information>,
    error: <Authentication error>

data should contain the authentication data. error should contain the authentication error. If authentication is successful, pass error as null and data as non null value. If authentication is unsuccessful, pass error as non null value.

By default the authentication failure HTTP response code is 401. This can be configured.

Upon successful authentication, the the authentication data returned in data field will be available in express's request object with the key "identity". This key can be changed.

To enable authentication for a route, pass the auth field to true in the options argument.


Example with a custom secret based authentication

import express  from 'express'
import { Router, AuthHandler } from  "nmicro-router" 
const router = new Router(express.Router())

class CustomAuth {
    constructor(secret) {
        this.secret = secret
    async authenticate(req, res, next, options) {
        const secretInHeader = req.headers['x-secret'] || ''
        if(secretInHeader != this.secret)
            return {data: null, error: new Error(`Incorrect secret`)}
            return {data: {"user": {id: 1, name: "John doe"}, error: null }}

router.authHandler.setAdapter(new CustomAuth("my-secret")) 

route.get("/route-with-auth", (req, res) => {
    res.send(`Successfully authenticated and authentication data is`, req.identity)
}, { auth: true })

Additonal customisations for authenticator

Setting up the authentication failure HTTP response code

router.authHandler.setAdapter(new CustomAuth("my-secret")) 
router.authHandler.failureResponseHttpCode = 402 // failure code is set as 402

Setting up the auth data key.

route.post("/route-with-auth", (req, res) => {
    res.send(`Successfully authenticated and authentication data is`, req.authInfo)
}, { auth: true })

Available auth adapters

The following auth adapters are available

JWT Auth Adapter


Set up request validation for a route

To enable request validations, a vaidation adapter needs to be set for the router.

The Validator class should be defined so that, it implements an async function called validate. This function should return the list of identified validation errors as an array. If there are no errors identified, this function should return an empty array.

To enable validation for a route, pass the validations field with value as an object containing validation rules, in the options argument. These rules will be passed to the validate function in validator.


Example with a validator that does required field validations.

class RequiredValidator {
    validate(params, rules) {
        const errors = []
        rules.required.forEach(requiredParam => {
            if(params[requiredParam] === undefined) errors.push(`The parameter ${requiredParam} is required`)
        return errors

router.validator.setAdapter(new RequiredValidator())

route.post("/create-user", (req, res) => {
    res.send(`Successfully validated`)
    validations: {
        required: [ `name`, `age` ]

Additonal customisations for validator

By default, validations will be done against req.query, req.params and req.body

If validations should be done specifically, it can be done by configuring the $$validateIn property.

For example, the following code validates only against query and body

 route.post("/create-user", (req, res) =>   {
    res.send(`Successfully validated`)
    validations: {
        $$validateIn: [`query`, `body`],
        required: [ `name`, `age` ]

Example for validating headers

route.post("/create-user", (req, res) =>   {
        res.send(`Successfully validated`)
        validations: {
            $$validateIn: [`headers`],
            required: [ `name`, `age` ]

Available validation adapters

The following validation adapters are available

Fastest Validator



route(method, path, cb, options = {})

Creates a route with the specified method and path.

All requests to the route are passed to the callback provided as argument cb.

Callback is the same callback passed to express's router.

Express's request object, response object and next object is available as arguments for the callback.

The argument options is used to configure validator, authenticator etc. It is an optional argument


//Register a route GET /my-route
router.route(`get` ,`/my-route`, (req, res, next) => {
    res.send(`Request received at route my-route`)

//Register a route DELETE
router.route(`delete` ,`/my-route/:id`, (req, res, next) => {
    const {params: {id}} = req
    res.send(`Request received at route my-route with id`, id)

Possible values of method arguments are

get, post, put, patch, delete, head, options

get(path, cb, options)

Shorthand method for registering a GET route


router.get(`/my-route`, (req, res, next) => {
    res.send(`Request received at route my-route`)

post(path, cb, options)

Shorthand method for registering a POST route


router.post(`/my-route`, (req, res, next) => {
    res.send(`Request received at route my-route`)

put(path, cb, options)

Shorthand method for registering a PUT route


router.put(`/my-route`, (req, res, next) => {
    res.send(`Request received at route my-route`)

patch(path, cb, options)

Shorthand method for registering a PATCH route


router.patch(`/my-route`, (req, res, next) => {
    res.send(`Request received at route my-route`)

delete(path, cb, options)

Shorthand method for registering a DELETE route


router.delete(`/my-route`, (req, res, next) => {
    res.send(`Request received at route my-route`)


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