
3.0.3 • Public • Published


A library for creating node oidc-lib credential issuer services


  1. Create a directory and initialize it with npm:
$ mkdir test-issuer
$ cd test-issuer
$ npm init 
NOTE:  simply press return to accept defaults

package name: (test-issuer)
version: (1.0.0)
entry point: (index.js)
test command:
git repository:
license: (ISC)

About to write to C:\Users\KimCameron\Documents\git\oidc-playground\test2\package.json:

  "name": "test-issuer",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "",
  "main": "index.js",
  "scripts": {
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
  "author": "",
  "license": "ISC"

Is this OK? (yes) y
  1. Use npm to install oidc-lib and set up the service hostname. For now, use the default hostname.
$ npm install -s oidc-lib
     .  (files are installed)
                          INPUT REQUIRED

Use the default hostname of virtual.itsourweb.org? (Y/N) Y

This installs the library and configures it to use 'virtual.itsourweb.org' as the hostname for its service.

Note: if you choose to use a hostname that is not within 'itsourweb.org', you must obtain and install an https certificate for your hostname or its domain. You will then be able to access your service from anywhere on the internet by configuring the DNS for your hostname to route to your server. However we recommend you avoid this until you are familiar with how oidc-lib works using the defaults.

  1. Configure your server's hosts file so it routes your chosen domain to your server:

For example, on Ubuntu, edit /etc/hosts to include your chosen domain:

$cat /etc/hosts localhost virtual.itsourweb.org

On windows, edit /windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts as administrator:

C:\windows\system32>type drivers\etc\hosts
# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.
#       localhost       virtual.itsourweb.org
  1. The install process will have created an index.js file for you, updated your package.json fine and set up directories needed by the library. Test your installation by using node to run your index.js:
$ node index.js
oidc_lib starting up at Fri Nov 20 2020 19:52:33 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)
Initializing FileDb in content module sts
Keys loaded and ready to start server
Https server started on port 3000
Http server started on port 3001

This is the correct result. But while we have a server, we have not yet set up a credential issuser.

Use Control-C or equivalent to terminate the server. Then import a demo credential issuer so you can try issuing a credential into a wallet.

  1. Use npm from your directory to import a credential issuer:
$ npm run import

What package file contains the credential issuer or module you want to add?
The credential issuer is currently called "covid_cred". 
You can change it's name but will have to rename and edit 'covid_cred.js'
Press "Y" to retain the issuer name, or "N" to change it. (Y/N) Y
Press "Y" to proceed, "N" to exit. (Y/N) Y
  1. Now start the system with the credential issuer installed:
$ node index
oidc_lib starting up at Fri Nov 20 2020 04:47:30 GMT+0000
Loaded content module: covid_cred
Initializing FileDb in content module sts
Initializing FileDb in content module covid_cred
[ClientLib] Success loading keystore - covid_cred:privateOmniKey
[ClientLib] Success loading keystore - covid_cred:integrityKey
Keys loaded and ready to start server
Https server started on port 3000
Http server started on port 3001

Your credential issuer is now ready to issue credentials.

Summary of install

We created a directory and initialized it with npm. We used npm to install oidc-lib in that directory. We set up the 'hosts' file to route our hostname to our server. We terminated our service with a Control C, used 'npm run import' to add a credential issuer to our service, and resetarted the service with 'node index'.

These steps created a node_modules directory containing oidc-lib and all its dependencies. Our directory, initially empty, now contains something similar to:

$ dir
11/29/2020  06:32 PM    <DIR>          .
11/29/2020  06:32 PM    <DIR>          ..
11/29/2020  08:59 AM    <DIR>          covid_cred
11/27/2020  03:37 PM               161 index.js
11/29/2020  06:32 PM    <DIR>          node_modules
11/27/2020  03:38 PM    <DIR>          oidc_lib_data
11/29/2020  06:32 PM           164,486 package-lock.json
11/29/2020  06:32 PM               568 package.json
11/27/2020  03:37 PM    <DIR>          views
11/29/2020  09:21 AM    <DIR>          web

Creating a wallet

The issuer is now working, so start up a wallet.

Begin by running chrome on the same computer the service runs on. Browse to:


A wallet will be installed that can be used to request and present verifiable credentials.

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npm i oidc-lib

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  • kcameron