
0.3.0 • Public • Published

Tweed Peek

So you want to try Tweed but have no patience for installing compilers and command line interfaces? That's no problem. Tweed Peek is a precompiled script that you can include directly in HTML and try out Tweed, compilers and all.

Tweed Peek is currently hosted here, so here's all you need to do.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src=''></script> 
    <div id='app'></div>
    <script type='application/javascript+tweed'>
      import { mutating, Node } from 'tweed'
      import render from 'tweed/render/dom'
      class Counter {
        @mutating count = 0
        render () {
          return (
            <button on-click={() => this.count++}>
              Clicked {this.count} times
      render(new Counter(), app)

Then just open up index.html in a browser and you're up and running!

You don't have to write your code within the <script> if you don't want to. Just add a src attribute and you're golden. However, if you do this, browsers will complain if you're using file:// URL's. So you'll have to use a simple web server like this one.

    <script src=''></script> 
    <script type='application/typescript+tweed' src='main.tsx'></script> 
    <div id='app'></div>

Use the MIME types application/javascript+tweed and application/typescript+tweed to use Babel or TypeScript, respectively, to compile the modules right there in the browser.

Note: Unless this goes without saying—This is not for production. Check out the website to learn more about how to set it up proper. (It's really easy. We have a CLI.)


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