
1.0.10 • Public • Published


An operator for access mdb database in nodejs.

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Using npm(ES6 module):

Note: w-orm-mdb is mainly dependent on node-adodb and w-orm-reladb.

npm i w-orm-mdb

Example by js settings

Link: [dev source code]

import fs from 'fs'
import wo from 'w-orm-mdb'

let username = ''
let password = ''
let opt = {
    url: `mdb://${username}:${password}`,
    db: 'worm',
    cl: 'users',
    fdModels: './models',
    // modelType: 'js', //default
    // autoGenPK: false,
    storage: './worm.mdb',

//因worm.mdb可能被修改, 先刪除再由worm_def.mdb複製一份來用
if (fs.existsSync(opt.storage)) {
fs.copyFileSync('./worm_def.mdb', opt.storage)

let rs = [
        id: 'id-peter',
        name: 'peter',
        value: 123,
        id: 'id-rosemary',
        name: 'rosemary',
        value: 123.456,
        id: '',
        name: 'kettle',
        value: 456,

let rsm = [
        id: 'id-peter',
        name: 'peter(modify)'
        id: 'id-rosemary',
        name: 'rosemary(modify)'
        id: '',
        name: 'kettle(modify)'

async function test() {

    let w = wo(opt)

    w.on('change', function(mode, data, res) {
        console.log('change', mode)
    w.on('error', function(err) {
        console.log('error', err)

    await w.delAll()
        .then(function(msg) {
            console.log('delAll then', msg)
        .catch(function(msg) {
            console.log('delAll catch', msg)

    await w.insert(rs)
        .then(function(msg) {
            console.log('insert then', msg)
        .catch(function(msg) {
            console.log('insert catch', msg)

    await w.save(rsm, { autoInsert: false })
        .then(function(msg) {
            console.log('save then', msg)
        .catch(function(msg) {
            console.log('save catch', msg)

    //select all
    let ss = await w.select()
    console.log('select all', ss)

    let so = await w.select({ id: 'id-rosemary' })
    console.log('select', so)

    //select by $and, $gt, $lt
    let spa = await w.select({ '$and': [{ value: { '$gt': 123 } }, { value: { '$lt': 200 } }] })
    console.log('select by $and, $gt, $lt', spa)

    //select by $or, $gte, $lte
    let spb = await w.select({ '$or': [{ value: { '$lte': -1 } }, { value: { '$gte': 200 } }] })
    console.log('select by $or, $gte, $lte', spb)

    //select by $or, $and, $ne, $in, $nin (access mdb not support)
    let spc = await w.select({ '$or': [{ '$and': [{ value: { '$ne': 123 } }, { value: { '$in': [123, 321, 123.456, 456] } }, { value: { '$nin': [456, 654] } }] }, { '$or': [{ value: { '$lte': -1 } }, { value: { '$gte': 400 } }] }] })
    console.log('select by $or, $and, $ne, $in, $nin', spc)

    //select by regex
    let sr = await w.select({ name: { $regex: 'PeT', $options: '$i' } })
    console.log('selectReg', sr)

    let d = []
    if (ss) {
        d = ss.filter(function(v) {
            return v.name !== 'kettle'
    await w.del(d)
        .then(function(msg) {
            console.log('del then', msg)
        .catch(function(msg) {
            console.log('del catch', msg)

test().catch((err) => console.log('err:', err))
// change delAll
// delAll then { n: 0, nDeleted: 0, ok: 1 }
// change insert
// insert then { n: 3, nInserted: 3, ok: 1 }
// change save
// save then [
//   { n: 1, nModified: 1, ok: 1 },
//   { n: 1, nModified: 1, ok: 1 },
//   { n: 0, nModified: 0, ok: 1 } //autoInsert=false
//   { n: 1, nInserted: 1, ok: 1 } //autoInsert=true
// ]
// select all [
//   { id: 'id-peter', name: 'peter(modify)', value: 123 },
//   { id: 'id-rosemary', name: 'rosemary(modify)', value: 123.456 },
//   { id: '{random id}', name: 'kettle', value: 456 }
// ]
// select [
//   { id: 'id-rosemary', name: 'rosemary(modify)', value: 123.456 }
// ]
// select by $and, $gt, $lt [
//   { id: 'id-rosemary', name: 'rosemary(modify)', value: 123.456 }
// ]
// select by $or, $gte, $lte [
//   { id: '{random id}', name: 'kettle', value: 456 }
// ]
// select by $or, $and, $ne, $in, $nin [
//   { id: 'id-rosemary', name: 'rosemary(modify)', value: 123.456 },
//   { id: '{random id}', name: 'kettle', value: 456 }
// ]
// selectReg [
//   { id: 'id-peter', name: 'peter(modify)', value: 123 }
// ]
// change del
// del then [
//   { n: 1, nDeleted: 1, ok: 1 },
//   { n: 1, nDeleted: 1, ok: 1 }
// ]

Example by json settings

Link: [dev source code]

import fs from 'fs'
import wo from 'w-orm-mdb'

let username = ''
let password = ''
let opt = {
    url: `mdb://${username}:${password}`,
    db: 'worm',
    cl: 'users',
    fdModels: './models',
    modelType: 'json',
    // autoGenPK: false,
    storage: './worm.mdb',

//因worm.mdb可能被修改, 先刪除再由worm_def.mdb複製一份來用
if (fs.existsSync(opt.storage)) {
fs.copyFileSync('./worm_def.mdb', opt.storage)

let rs = [
        id: 'id-peter',
        name: 'peter',
        value: 123,
        id: 'id-rosemary',
        name: 'rosemary',
        value: 123.456,
        id: '',
        name: 'kettle',
        value: 456,

let rsm = [
        id: 'id-peter',
        name: 'peter(modify)'
        id: 'id-rosemary',
        name: 'rosemary(modify)'
        id: '',
        name: 'kettle(modify)'

async function test() {

    let w = wo(opt)

    w.on('change', function(mode, data, res) {
        console.log('change', mode)
    w.on('error', function(err) {
        console.log('error', err)

    await w.delAll()
        .then(function(msg) {
            console.log('delAll then', msg)
        .catch(function(msg) {
            console.log('delAll catch', msg)

    await w.insert(rs)
        .then(function(msg) {
            console.log('insert then', msg)
        .catch(function(msg) {
            console.log('insert catch', msg)

    await w.save(rsm, { autoInsert: false })
        .then(function(msg) {
            console.log('save then', msg)
        .catch(function(msg) {
            console.log('save catch', msg)

    //select all
    let ss = await w.select()
    console.log('select all', ss)

    let so = await w.select({ id: 'id-rosemary' })
    console.log('select', so)

    //select by $and, $gt, $lt
    let spa = await w.select({ '$and': [{ value: { '$gt': 123 } }, { value: { '$lt': 200 } }] })
    console.log('select by $and, $gt, $lt', spa)

    //select by $or, $gte, $lte
    let spb = await w.select({ '$or': [{ value: { '$lte': -1 } }, { value: { '$gte': 200 } }] })
    console.log('select by $or, $gte, $lte', spb)

    //select by $or, $and, $ne, $in, $nin (access mdb not support)
    let spc = await w.select({ '$or': [{ '$and': [{ value: { '$ne': 123 } }, { value: { '$in': [123, 321, 123.456, 456] } }, { value: { '$nin': [456, 654] } }] }, { '$or': [{ value: { '$lte': -1 } }, { value: { '$gte': 400 } }] }] })
    console.log('select by $or, $and, $ne, $in, $nin', spc)

    //select by regex
    let sr = await w.select({ name: { $regex: 'PeT', $options: '$i' } })
    console.log('selectReg', sr)

    let d = []
    if (ss) {
        d = ss.filter(function(v) {
            return v.name !== 'kettle'
    await w.del(d)
        .then(function(msg) {
            console.log('del then', msg)
        .catch(function(msg) {
            console.log('del catch', msg)

test().catch((err) => console.log('err:', err))
// change delAll
// delAll then { n: 0, nDeleted: 0, ok: 1 }
// change insert
// insert then { n: 3, nInserted: 3, ok: 1 }
// change save
// save then [
//   { n: 1, nModified: 1, ok: 1 },
//   { n: 1, nModified: 1, ok: 1 },
//   { n: 0, nModified: 0, ok: 1 } //autoInsert=false
//   { n: 1, nInserted: 1, ok: 1 } //autoInsert=true
// ]
// select all [
//   { id: 'id-peter', name: 'peter(modify)', value: 123 },
//   { id: 'id-rosemary', name: 'rosemary(modify)', value: 123.456 },
//   { id: '{random id}', name: 'kettle', value: 456 }
// ]
// select [
//   { id: 'id-rosemary', name: 'rosemary(modify)', value: 123.456 }
// ]
// select by $and, $gt, $lt [
//   { id: 'id-rosemary', name: 'rosemary(modify)', value: 123.456 }
// ]
// select by $or, $gte, $lte [
//   { id: '{random id}', name: 'kettle', value: 456 }
// ]
// select by $or, $and, $ne, $in, $nin [
//   { id: 'id-rosemary', name: 'rosemary(modify)', value: 123.456 },
//   { id: '{random id}', name: 'kettle', value: 456 }
// ]
// selectReg [
//   { id: 'id-peter', name: 'peter(modify)', value: 123 }
// ]
// change del
// del then [
//   { n: 1, nDeleted: 1, ok: 1 },
//   { n: 1, nDeleted: 1, ok: 1 }
// ]

Example for encryption by js settings

Link: [dev source code]

import fs from 'fs'
import wo from 'w-orm-mdb'

let username = 'username'
let password = 'password'
let opt = {
    url: `mdb://${username}:${password}`, //username:password
    db: 'worm',
    cl: 'users',
    fdModels: './models',
    // modelType: 'js', //default
    // autoGenPK: false,
    storage: './worm.mdb',
    useEncryption: true,

//因worm.mdb可能被修改, 先刪除再由worm_encryption_def.mdb複製一份來用
if (fs.existsSync(opt.storage)) {
fs.copyFileSync('./worm_encryption_def.mdb', opt.storage) //複製加密版, 密碼為[username:password]

let rs = [
        id: 'id-peter',
        name: 'peter',
        value: 123,
        id: 'id-rosemary',
        name: 'rosemary',
        value: 123.456,
        id: '',
        name: 'kettle',
        value: 456,

let rsm = [
        id: 'id-peter',
        name: 'peter(modify)'
        id: 'id-rosemary',
        name: 'rosemary(modify)'
        id: '',
        name: 'kettle(modify)'

async function test() {

    let w = wo(opt)

    w.on('change', function(mode, data, res) {
        console.log('change', mode)
    w.on('error', function(err) {
        console.log('error', err)

    await w.delAll()
        .then(function(msg) {
            console.log('delAll then', msg)
        .catch(function(msg) {
            console.log('delAll catch', msg)

    await w.insert(rs)
        .then(function(msg) {
            console.log('insert then', msg)
        .catch(function(msg) {
            console.log('insert catch', msg)

    await w.save(rsm, { autoInsert: false })
        .then(function(msg) {
            console.log('save then', msg)
        .catch(function(msg) {
            console.log('save catch', msg)

    //select all
    let ss = await w.select()
    console.log('select all', ss)

    let so = await w.select({ id: 'id-rosemary' })
    console.log('select', so)

    //select by $and, $gt, $lt
    let spa = await w.select({ '$and': [{ value: { '$gt': 123 } }, { value: { '$lt': 200 } }] })
    console.log('select by $and, $gt, $lt', spa)

    //select by $or, $gte, $lte
    let spb = await w.select({ '$or': [{ value: { '$lte': -1 } }, { value: { '$gte': 200 } }] })
    console.log('select by $or, $gte, $lte', spb)

    //select by $or, $and, $ne, $in, $nin (access mdb not support)
    let spc = await w.select({ '$or': [{ '$and': [{ value: { '$ne': 123 } }, { value: { '$in': [123, 321, 123.456, 456] } }, { value: { '$nin': [456, 654] } }] }, { '$or': [{ value: { '$lte': -1 } }, { value: { '$gte': 400 } }] }] })
    console.log('select by $or, $and, $ne, $in, $nin', spc)

    //select by regex
    let sr = await w.select({ name: { $regex: 'PeT', $options: '$i' } })
    console.log('selectReg', sr)

    let d = []
    if (ss) {
        d = ss.filter(function(v) {
            return v.name !== 'kettle'
    await w.del(d)
        .then(function(msg) {
            console.log('del then', msg)
        .catch(function(msg) {
            console.log('del catch', msg)

test().catch((err) => console.log('err:', err))
// change delAll
// delAll then { n: 0, nDeleted: 0, ok: 1 }
// change insert
// insert then { n: 3, nInserted: 3, ok: 1 }
// change save
// save then [
//   { n: 1, nModified: 1, ok: 1 },
//   { n: 1, nModified: 1, ok: 1 },
//   { n: 0, nModified: 0, ok: 1 } //autoInsert=false
//   { n: 1, nInserted: 1, ok: 1 } //autoInsert=true
// ]
// select all [
//   { id: 'id-peter', name: 'peter(modify)', value: 123 },
//   { id: 'id-rosemary', name: 'rosemary(modify)', value: 123.456 },
//   { id: '{random id}', name: 'kettle', value: 456 }
// ]
// select [
//   { id: 'id-rosemary', name: 'rosemary(modify)', value: 123.456 }
// ]
// select by $and, $gt, $lt [
//   { id: 'id-rosemary', name: 'rosemary(modify)', value: 123.456 }
// ]
// select by $or, $gte, $lte [
//   { id: '{random id}', name: 'kettle', value: 456 }
// ]
// select by $or, $and, $ne, $in, $nin [
//   { id: 'id-rosemary', name: 'rosemary(modify)', value: 123.456 },
//   { id: '{random id}', name: 'kettle', value: 456 }
// ]
// selectReg [
//   { id: 'id-peter', name: 'peter(modify)', value: 123 }
// ]
// change del
// del then [
//   { n: 1, nDeleted: 1, ok: 1 },
//   { n: 1, nDeleted: 1, ok: 1 }
// ]

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