
1.0.9 • Public • Published


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A collection of libraries that I use in a lot of projects, feel free to modify them for your use.

I realised that in a lot of projects I do, there are a few things that I almost always write from scratch, that's why I decided to create this.

This module is under the MIT license - see the LICENSE file.

To test the module, run

npm test


To install run

npm i --save-dev z-helper


To require everything, use

const zHelper = require('z-helper')

Data Store

There are two ways to use my data store, you can use it as a local store that will only be persistent in the file it is initialised in.

const dataStore = require('z-helper').dataStore

Or you can use it as a global data store across your whole application.

const dataStore = new require('z-helper').dataStore.Instance()

You can also use both throughout the app if you would like.

The following functions are exposed and work the same for local and global data store.


dataStore.set('nameOfValueToStore', {'object': 'containing data'})

The set function can store anyhting you can think of from promises to functions to objects.

The set function returns the dataStore instance so you can chain functions.

dataStore.set('nameOfValueToStore', {'object': 'containing data'})



The get function returns whatever was stored under the key given to it, if that key does not exist, it simply returns null.

Google Analytics

Google analytics is a work in progress

Test coverage and eslint

Data Store has property ✓ Instance ✓ get ✓ set Instance has property ✓ get ✓ set stores ✓ an object ✓ an arrow function ✓ a function ✓ a string ✓ an integer ✓ a boolean global store has property ✓ get ✓ set stores ✓ an object ✓ an arrow function ✓ a function ✓ a string ✓ an integer ✓ a boolean

Google Analytics has a global instance ✓ that has the setOption property ✓ that has the setAction property ✓ that has the getOptions property ✓ that has the getActions property and add a new ✓ option ✓ action can create a local instance ✓ that has the setOption property ✓ that has the setAction property ✓ that has the getOptions property ✓ that has the getActions property and add a new ✓ option ✓ action sends - a screenview - an event

31 passing (12ms) 2 pending


File % Stmts % Branch % Funcs % Lines Uncovered Lines
All files 52.27 40.91 37.5 52.27
ZHelper 100 100 100 100
main.js 100 100 100 100
ZHelper/src 51.72 40.91 37.5 51.72
dataStore.js 100 50 100 100 7
googleAnalytics.js 45.45 40 28.57 45.45 ... 164,166,167
--------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------------

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  • imzacm