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postcss-custom-properties-transformer Latest version Monthly downloads Install size

PostCSS plugin to transform CSS custom properties

🙋‍♂️ Why?

Transform CSS custom properties to...

  • 🔥 Scope to package Namespace them to your library to prevent collision with other custom properties
  • 👌 Scope to file Scope to a file to prevent collision with other files
  • 🐥 Minify Shorten long custom properties via hashing
  • 🤬 Obfuscate Mangle custom-property names to deter reverse-engineering

🚀 Install

npm i -D postcss postcss-custom-properties-transformer

🚦 Quick Setup

Add postcss-custom-properties-transformer to your PostCSS configuration (eg. postcss.config.js) and pass in a transformer function.

Warning: this plugin doesn't validate custom properties. Make sure to not use invalid characters (eg. period)

module.exports = {
     plugins: [
+        // Insert above plugins that read custom properties
+        require('postcss-custom-properties-transformer')({
+            transformer({ property }) {
+                // Prefixing all custom properties with 'APP-'
+                return 'APP-' + property;
+            }
+        }),

👨🏻‍🏫 Examples

Namespace with package meta

If you have a CSS library, you can scope your custom properties to every release so that multiple versions of the library used in the same app doesn't yield any collisions.

const pkg = require('./package.json')
    transformer({ property }) {
        return `${}-${pkg.version}-${property}`;

Hash custom properties

If you want to hash your custom properties to shorten/obfuscate them, pass in a hashing algorithm of your choice.

This demo uses a 6-character truncated MD5 hash; MD5 and the SHA-family has statistically good uniform distribution and can be truncated.

However, note that the shorter the hash, the higher the collision rate. There will be a warning if a collision is detected.

const crypto = require('crypto');
const md5 = string => crypto.createHash('md5').update(string).digest('hex');
    transformer({ property }) {
        return md5(property).slice(0, 6);

Advanced transformations

If you want to do something more complex—such as discriminate between global and local custom properties (eg. theme variables).

    transformer({ property }) {
        if (property.startsWith('theme-')) {
            return property;
        return hash(property);

⚙️ Options

  • transformer(data) <Function>
    • data <Object>
      • property <String> - The custom property name that's being transformed. The -- prefix is omitted
      • filepath <String> - The path to the file where the custom property is being transformed
      • css <String> - The entire CSS code of the file

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  • hirokiosame