Have you ever wanted to grep your Vue.js codebase for something specific, like a combination of tags and attributes? Only to realize that you can't because attributes can span multiple lines and be in arbitrary order.
vue-grep is a command-line tool that lets you search your Vue.js codebase using CSS selector syntax (like querySelectorAll
or jQuery) — essential for navigating large codebases!
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🚀 Install
$ npm i -g vue-grep
Alternatively, use npx to run it without installation:
$ npx vue-grep
👨🏫 Usage
$ vue-grep <query> [path/glob ...]
Recommended to pass the query in with single-quotes to prevent accidental interpolation
$ vue-grep '[v-bind="$attrs"]'
If passing in a glob, specify the
extension. (eg.**/*.vue
-l, --files-with-matches
Only print the paths with at least one match.
-s, --show-children
Show the children of matching elements. Defaults to being collapsed.
Directory names to exclude on non-glob searches. (Default: node_modules
, vendor
, public
, dist
Search hidden files and directories.
🌟 Query features
Standard selectors
- Type selector -
- Class selector -
- ID selector -
- Existence -
- Equality -
- Regular expression matching
- Elements with no children -
- First child amongst siblings -
- Last child amongst siblings -
- n th child amongst siblings -
- n th child from bottom amongst siblings -
- Query negation
parent child
- Descendant -
parent > immediate-child
- Immediate child -
element ~ general-sibling
- General sibling -
element + adjacent-sibling
- Adjacent sibling
Non-standard selectors
- Directive selector
- Existence -
- Existence with argument -
- Existence with argument and modifier -
- Equality -
- Regular expression matching - Directive shorthands
- Prop -
- Event-listener -
- Slot
- Pseudo-classes
- Element that contains string -
- Element that contains string that matches regular expression
⚡️ Example queries
All examples are searching the current working directory.
and primary
Find elements with class $ vue-grep '.button.primary'
The class selector can parse and test against dynamic classes aslong as it's simple (eg. no run-time evaluations). For matching complex class directives, consider using regular expression matching.
elements with the @click.stop
Find $ vue-grep 'button[@click.stop]'
elements with a disabled
Find radio $ vue-grep 'input[type="radio"][:disabled]'
elements with v-if
Find $ vue-grep 'div[v-if]'
Find empty elements
$ vue-grep ':empty'
/hello world/
Find elements that contain strings that match regular expression $ vue-grep ':contains(/hello world/)'
Don't see your favorite use-cases?
Add it in! We'd love to see how you're using it.
🙋♀️ Need help?
If you have a question about usage, ask on Discussions.
If you'd like to make a feature request or file a bug report, open an Issue.