
Niehaus Bert

  • Evaluate the Link/URL parameter submitted to an HTML-file. This is in general used by scripts on a server that receives content by submitting HTML form content to the server. The package LinkParam can evaluate these parameters and use the values in genera

    published 1.2.1 5 years ago
  • library and NPM module that extends Handlebars with Helpers for Code Generation in a specific programming language (e.g. Javascript)

    published 1.2.37 4 years ago
  • JSON Editor for UML Diagrams developed with Javascript Code Templates based on JSON Editor of Jeremy Dorn

    published 1.1.34 3 years ago
  • Fetch Wiki markdown from MediaWiki

    published 2.0.1 5 years ago
  • library that allows to load files into an application that run completely in a browser without the need to submit data to a server for processing. With this library the users are able load files into your browser application and process the data in the br

    published 1.2.20 3 years ago
  • The repository supports the NPM build process based on UML models created and managed with the JSONEditor4Code. A JSON file defines the attributes and methods of a class and a JSON editor running in a browser allows the generation of Javascript code. In t

    published 0.3.34 3 years ago
  • JSON2Schema is a small WebApp with a node JS library running totally in your browser, that supports developers in creating a JSON Schema for the JSON Editor by Jeremy Dorn. The corresponding NPM module json2schema is library that converts a JSON into a JS

    published 2.2.6 4 years ago
  • JSON Editor for creating HTML5 menus with CSS and HTML Templates for Hamburger Menus - based on JSON Editor of Jeremy Dorn

    published 1.1.19 4 years ago
  • Tree walker for folders with recursive runs over subdirectories

    published 1.0.5 3 years ago
  • Find in a string a closing bracket for an opening bracket. The search function will start from a specific start index in the string, identifies the start index of the next corresponding opening bracket and finds the corresponding closing bracket provided

    published 1.0.10 4 years ago
  • This is a language that supports language Javascript handling of AppLSACs to support the creation of support tools for learning resources. The provided package is used e.g. for language specific select boxes in HTML.

    published 1.0.0 4 years ago
  • SVG and PNG Icons for Menus and Buttons that can be used in AppLSAC, Electron application or in general in WebApps.

    published 1.1.27 3 years ago